Can you say Photoshop?

Sure, we all take advertisements with a certain grain of salt. Their claims are often just too fantastic or unrealistic to believe.

But I really would like to believe this one, folks. I'm heading into my late 40s and thinking that I could look like this in my mid to late 60s would be wonderful.


But despite the statement near the bottom that claims "photo not enhanced" I really think that the answer to the ad's question should be "Heavily Photoshopped"

What do you think should have been the answer to the question "How does this 67 year old have the body of a 30 year-old?"


SassyAssy said…
Wishful thinking!
Unknown said…
Sad to say - but I bet the advertisers make lots of money :-P
Blonde Goddess said…

Anyway...glad to be back. I missed keeping up with your posts. I'll be spending the entire weekend reading.
I'm going with sassy's answer! LOL.
kenju said…
Photoshop, for sure!
Anonymous said…
I think it's probably a real photo. What you have to keep in mind is that someone who looks like that at 67 probably looked even better at your age. I don't believe this guy when from your physique to that because of whatever the ad is selling (seriously, what is it selling?). Though I'm kind of hoping that 67 is part of my golden years, a lot of folks consider it to still be their middle years -- old keeps being defined as later as the population shifts. LOL

(BTW, no offense meant... you are fine just the way you are)
Thumper said…
Probably a Photoshop, BUT...when I worked in a gym I say a lot of old guys with physiques like that. Guys like that were in shape as kids and stayed in shape. We hate them ;)

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