Sex test
Here's the results from a new test I took over on OKCupid. Apparently I should get out more, huh? LOL
What can I say? I'm just not very adventuresome.
Link: The 20 Question Sexual Experience Test
What can I say? I'm just not very adventuresome.
Your Score: Jack or Jill
You are 27% sexually experienced. (Kink = 37, Social = 0, Rebel = 8)The higher your kink factor, the more likely you are to try something new.
The higher your social factor, the more likely you are to make sex a group activity.
The higher your rebel factor, the less constrained you are by social norms.
I find the results disturbing. I am NOT into social sex at all and don't do that kind of thing in front of other people...
I think the results are wrong...I'm just saying...for me.
BG: You're certainly more experienced and rebellious than I.
DC: Pretty much everyone is going to score higher than I did. Sorry about that low rebel score. What's up with that??? Hell, even I got an 8!
Nina: Anyone that can hurt people by turning around suddenly scores pretty high in my book!
GG: You tried hard to increase my score a decade back but it just wasn't going to happen. Nice of you to try tho.
I'm not so sure these things are correct...