
Sassy over at that Glittery blog inspired me with her new hair styling. I figured it was time for me to have my overly long locks to be trimmed back too so after work today I had the woman nearly shave my head. Unlike Sassy I didn't have my hair colored tho--and the gray is rapidly taking over. It's a race between thinning hair and what's left changing color on me. Damnedest thing is that I don't win either way.

You might notice that I don't look happy. I don't like taking my own picture. The only thing worse is when somebody else takes my picture. At least this way I can toss out most of the pictures and nobody will ever see them!


Unknown said…
I think you'd look kinda cute with a coppery streak...
kenju said…
I think it looks very nice, Dave. You shouldn't fear your photos at all!
utenzi said…
There will be no "coppery streaks" here, I assure you.
I love the look. The Evil Twin has been bald (I mean, really - no hair) since we met, but a goatee of differing styles and I think it's super hot.
Unknown said…
How about an earring? ;)
utenzi said…
The intense Georgia sun apparently has affected the thought process of the commenter above.
Blonde Goddess said…
Other than the "I'm going to kick your a**" attitude, the pictures is great! You're very handsome and honestly the hair and goatee are very flattering.
Unknown said…
Maybe an eyebrow waxing???
Diane Mandy said…
I think both your hair and Sassy's look GREAT!
Sue said…
I really like the cut. I try to keep my spouse's hair short with about as much gray and color and a goatee. I think it's very flattering. Probably feels beter for summer, too. :-)
SassyAssy said…
Dude! You look GREAT!!!!!

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