Just when you think you've seen everything---actually I don't think that but it's what everyone says at times like this---something new just appears in front of you.
In this case it's a pregnant bird. Yeah, I know. Eggs and all that. But look at the belly on this chippie. If it's not preggers, what in bloody 'ell is going on?
By the way, that's not rhetorical. I really do want to know what's going on. I feel quite confused this weekend and some clarity--even if coming from left field--would be nice. So feel free to contribute whatever witticisms you can. And is it true that you don't need a good arm if you're in left field?
Speaking of left field, Barry Bonds has been rather quiet of late. You'd think someone would pick him up even if just to use as a DH. I can't really believe he's being austracized (and what does steroids have to do with Austria anyway? Oh! Arnold. Duh--I should have known that one).
By the way, that's not rhetorical. I really do want to know what's going on. I feel quite confused this weekend and some clarity--even if coming from left field--would be nice. So feel free to contribute whatever witticisms you can. And is it true that you don't need a good arm if you're in left field?
Speaking of left field, Barry Bonds has been rather quiet of late. You'd think someone would pick him up even if just to use as a DH. I can't really believe he's being austracized (and what does steroids have to do with Austria anyway? Oh! Arnold. Duh--I should have known that one).
I have no idea about your pregnant bird... it just looks like a bird to me. But I do have a nest on my porch again this year. Those parents are being really nasty about people being out there. They've built a nest in the light fixture. No sign of hatchlings yet, but I don't doubt they'll be along soon. I blame this on my lack of cats at the moment.
Hope you get your clarity soon. When you find it if there is anything left over then send some my way as I could do with some too!