Two turtles and a Mom

I went hiking with Jules after work last night. We went along the bank of the Eno River which isn't very far from where she lives. That's safest since I don't want her to know where I live. She's a little off at times and it's best to be safe. N'est pas?

We came upon those two turtles sunning on a branch about 2 miles up the river and almost immediately after Jules saw the Mama Goose. I was still looking back at the turtles and Jules hissed at me to stop just moments before the goose followed Jules' lead with goosey hissses of her own. Of the two, the goose sounded far more like she meant business. Ha! I didn't approach any closer but I did get 3 good pictures of the Mama guarding her orbs.


Deana said…
What a great goose capture. I found my female Lab Eudora guarding a large egg that Lord only knows where she found. I hope it had been abandoned and she didn't wreck some poor mom's nest!
Shephard said…
Geese mean business. I'll remember that.
rosemary said…
Great, great pictures....I agree with shephard.....there is a family of geese that come back every year to nest on the deck of a local one messes with Mother Goose.
Those are great pics! I love the mama goose with her eggies. It looks like perhaps five? So sweet.
craziequeen said…
Oh, the opportunity to photograph a goose's nest with eggs is so rare.

We have swans and Canada Geese at work ('cos we have a big lake and effective eco-system) and they are both nursing nests with eggs!! So we have two lots of babies to look forward to...

Hi Dave, Michele sent me to see this magnificent heart-warming photos :-)

rashbre said…
The two turtles look somewhat precariously balanced on that branch! And the goose seems to be giving you a piece of mind! Thanks for sharing these pix.

Great pictures Dave...! LOVE those two Turtles...!
Thanks for the visit and your kind words about my pictures...!

To get such a fabulous picture of that Mama Goose....WONDERFUL!

I haven't beem here in a while so I don't know who Jules is....! New Girlfriend, my dear?
David Edward said…
i still visit my former pet goose, and we talk, and she really remembers me. her name is Tammy, and I think i might love her.
she is all white, and HUGE

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