Of reading and rabbits
This is turning out to be a cool and rainy weekend. I left my windows open during the night despite it getting chilly (50f) and so now I have my red fleece pullover on to stay warm. It's a Wal-mart clearance buy. Only $4.88 so I use it like a t-shirt not a coat.
Fortunately I did get some mowing done yesterday before the rain started. Now that we have some water coming in that grass is really going to take off. And speaking of taking off, the leaves on my backyard trees are really coming out now. I think the dry weather had been holding them back. Other than the mowing, I mostly just read yesterday. I finished an old Clancy novel that I'd read several times (Cardinal of the Kremlin) and started a Twinkie book that I picked up from Amazon on clearance a few weeks back. The book is actually an explanation of the chemical background of the additives in snack foods and uses the ingredient list on Twinkies as a way to organize the topic.
And speaking of snacking, look who's munching on my yard. I took this picture a few minutes ago from my front door looking through the slats on my front porch. Then apparently the rabbit heard me moving around in the house.
...and in a very unrabbit-like display of courage (?) and curiosity the fellow came up on my porch steps to investigate the sounds. It happened so unexpectedly that I wasn't able to zoom out fast enough to capture the whole rabbit. So his poor ears are clipped right off. He's kinda wet--maybe he was just hoping I'd let him inside to dry off.
Fortunately I did get some mowing done yesterday before the rain started. Now that we have some water coming in that grass is really going to take off. And speaking of taking off, the leaves on my backyard trees are really coming out now. I think the dry weather had been holding them back. Other than the mowing, I mostly just read yesterday. I finished an old Clancy novel that I'd read several times (Cardinal of the Kremlin) and started a Twinkie book that I picked up from Amazon on clearance a few weeks back. The book is actually an explanation of the chemical background of the additives in snack foods and uses the ingredient list on Twinkies as a way to organize the topic.
And speaking of snacking, look who's munching on my yard. I took this picture a few minutes ago from my front door looking through the slats on my front porch. Then apparently the rabbit heard me moving around in the house.
Thanks, Dave!
Sorry - terrible joke for a vegetarian...or perhaps the best person to make the bad-taste meat jokes....
Isn't he a cute little chap? Very Peter Rabbit.
Michele sent me here tonight, Dave. It's been cold and rainy here this weekend too - makes laundry hard work...
Rainy or not, tonight I saw a most beautiful rainbow in Raleigh. I felt honored.
i wish i stayed in a place like yours.. i like nature.. and unfortunately for me, i don't get it here...