A Mossy Monday

Here's a few more pictures from my hike along the Haw River on Sunday.

Some sphagnum moss that I saw on a branch. There's just something about an organism that just lives on air that fascinates me. (yes, I know that it doesn't really just live on air but indulge me here)

This picture is just a quarter mile in from the road. At this point the Haw River is split in two by a large island, seen in the background. I liked the way that the dead tree seemed to be stretching out to touch the island...

Here's some phlox looking all spring-like and pretty. We came across it in a meadow where the trees were cut down to accommodate some underground gas lines.


Unknown said…
Great moss picture!
kenju said…
Nice pix, Dave!
tiff said…
Didja dip a toe into that ol river water?
rosemary said…
All of the hike pics are really nice...makes me want spring more than ever. Like the leather too; very rich looking.
I am so jealous. I love hiking and it hasn't been nice enough here to go hiking. I hope it is soon because I really could use the nature time.
I'm so psyched to go hiking next week. My $31 boots arrived and I can't wait to break them in--I haven't been hiking since I was a kid, and I have a horrible sense of direction, so they'll probably find me dead in a ditch somewhere, but damn, I'm excited.
Shephard said…
Love the moss photo esp. :)

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