cookie exchange

I had my first holiday season social visit today.

Chris, my former girlfriend, stopped by on her rounds and dropped off some homemade cookies and Hershey chocolates with me. It was hard to believe I'd not seen her in over 4 months. Time does have a way of winging by, doesn't it?

In any case she was looking quite lovely as you can see below. To the left you can see the tin of cookies she brought me, as well as the bag of Smarties that she was getting ready to grab and run with. While Chris isn't overly fond of sweets--unlike me--she does like the occasional Smartie. Of course that 19 ounce bag will hold her for a couple of months but would only last a couple of days with me. That probably also explains why she's so much thinner than I am.

I don't know what happened in this picture. Something weird with the flash, I guess. But even with that weird light effect over Chris' head, it's her smile that really lights up the picture.

You can see that she was clutching that bag of Smarties for dear life. She knows how much I love the damn things so I suspect she thought I was going to put up a fight. Nah, that lovely red streak in her hair had me too distracted and she got away with her stolen candy uncontested.

I'm planning on making my first serious foray out into the world of malls and shopping centers tonight. Keep your fingers crossed--I don't do well in crowds! I'm planning on stopping at Macy's, maybe Kohl's and Staple's, definitely Home Depot and Target if I have time. Or I could blow it off and wait until tomorrow...


Unknown said…
She has a very sweet smile! You have good tastes!!!
Becky68 said…
Wow, Cool picture, of course, being silly my first thought is a ghost!
But I know I'm silly that way, so probably dust or something else catching the flash,
Michele sent me to check out your sweet tooth's next victims.
SassyAssy said…
I am surprised that Chris got out of your house with that bag of candy...the red streak must have been some kind of distraction!
Suzanne said…
Smarties always remind me of Halloween! It almost looks like she has a hat on with a feather stuck in the top. very lovely either way. hi from Micheles
Nina said…
Lovely former girlfriend. I like smarties too. I give them to my students before exams. Do you really eat that much candy??
kenju said…
She's cute, Dave. You let her get away?

You went out in the rain? How'd it go?
utenzi said…
Sheer folly, Judy. I don't understand it myself.

Nina, I eat such huge quantities of candy that people have remarked for over 20 years that my pancreas is going to give out any day. 20 years later it's still working...
David Edward said…
kohl's, and staples, yes, but my work has me in home depot too ofetn to go there on leisure trips. Good luck with the shopping. I have most of mine done, thanks to ebay and amazon
Dak-Ind said…
greetings from michele!

i saw the top picture and read the title and actually had to check the date, thinking it was a hlloween post! smarties are halloweeny to me, and the very dark nail polish combined with it, well, i guess that will teach me to jump to conclusions.
Anonymous said…
Long time, no see! Got here from Michele's today! She glows!

What do plan to buy for me when you hit the malls today?


reading room
Anonymous said…
How sweet of her to bring you cookies and candy.

I hate shopping. I can't stand it.. I have to finish mine up this weekend..
Blonde Goddess said…
That light is there on purpose!

She's a candy angel!!!

I KNEW they existed and now I have PROOF!!!
utenzi said…
Hmmm. Chris as an angel. That's a concept that might take some getting used to.
tiff said…
It's the ghost of candy paaaast....


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