Bondage most fowl

What a dark day it was...

...when bondage most fowl visited this household. That all sounds so deliciously sinister.

But in reality while delicious was an apt description, there was little sinister about the bondage--unless you're either a turkey or a PETA type person. Turkey in bondage = good eats!

This was the ultimate destiny of that turkey I bought last week before traveling to SC. Since my parents arrived back home a day early, I never got a chance to make it for them. Then there was a ham for Xmas dinner so this has been the first chance that the poor turkey has had to shine.

The fellow weighed in at 16 pounds so even allowing for giving the dog a lot of meat, we still have a long, long ways to go on this bird.

And lest I forget, Dell sucks.


rosemary said…
We had a 12 pounder for 2 of us....lots of leftovers. Pretty fancy gizmo holding those legs together.
Unknown said…
Trussing a bird - how fowl!
Into the Light said…
Save me a wing! We didn't have turkey for Christmas, so I'm not doing all the leftover turkey stuff this week. But that bird does look good.
Unknown said…
I let a hotel and resort cook for me! Well worth it!!!
SassyAssy said…
Green Valley Grill in G'boro cooked & served my lovely Christmas ya know...I am a spoiled princess and well, getting waited on makes my toes tingle.

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