Thanksgiving and television

Here in the States, the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us once more. I'll be taking off for my parents' place in SC around 3am on Thursday to avoid traffic. That departure time allows me to arrive just when they're getting up at 7am. I'll probably be staying until Sunday so there should be plenty of rubbing elbows with relatives, eating horrid amounts of food, and hopefully a good amount of paddling too.

I'm almost finished up with my assays here at work so I hope to leave around 2pm. That'll give me a little bit of time to read and maybe eat in front of the tele before getting a few hours sleep for that early departure.

Speaking of television, what do you think of Heroes? That show got off to a slow and rocky start after that wonderful first season. Now it appears they're going to wrap up the season early though at least they've had several good episodes here at the tail end of the season. Too bad they didn't start off with their better episodes to set up the situation better. Since they're out of chronological order anyway, it must have been a creative decision to go with the slow ponderous boring episodes early in the season. Odd decision, no?

I caught up on the last 4 episodes of Cane last night. That show is starting to grow on me but poor Jimmy Smits is really going over to the dark side. Murder, romantic ties to the evil ones, business ties to organized crime, Cuban gangs, and worst of all--Cuba itself. That last one really put him on the outs with the patriarch of the family. Oops.

A few weeks ago I started watching my episode backlog of Life. I like that show though it's quite quirky. I haven't read much about it online so I suspect it's not very popular. I hope it makes it until the end of the season. I want to know who set him up!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone...


Smug said…
I watched the first season of Heroes on DVD over the summer and was really obsessed with it. I wondered if I would like watching it live because on DVD you don't have to wait for the next show to see what happened. I decided to watch it live and while I still like it, it does seem really slow. I sort of thought that this was just because I was used to watching multiple episodes at a time on DVD - I am glad to hear that others have also found it slow. I saw that "they only have 3 episodes left to save the world" I wondered if this meant an end to the show, the season, or just sweeps??

As for Life - I totally love that show! It has a bit about how he was set up, but mostly it is about the weekly cases. He is a hoot! "I am not attached to this car" I hope it lasts!
Unknown said…
Happy Thanksgiving, Utenzi:-)
Into the Light said…
Have a good Thanksgiving, Dave. Be safe...

I have never seen Heroes, but have seen most of "Life". It's a confusing, quirky show. Confusing in that some of the conclusions only occur because he thinks them up and either declares it so or does one thing to prove it. The guy is odd...

I'm still watching Cane, but really am not enjoying it. I can't put my finger on the problem though.
rosemary said…
Not watching Heroes, nor Cane but i do watch Life and really like it. Also like Dirty, Sexy Money bit they are on at the same time so I am a bit behind with DSM. Have a good time with your family, Dave. Happy Thanksgiving.
Blonde Goddess said…
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I miss the days of spending the long weekend with my family.
It's all good though.
My kids keep my hopping and there's plenty of good food due to the lessons I learned about cooking from my grandmothers.

Hope your trip is safe!!!
kenju said…
I haven't seen either of them, Dave. I watch Dirty, sexy Money (watching now, as a matter of fact). Have a safe trip and a good holiday!
A Very Happy THANKSGIVING, Dave! Do enjoy your time with your family, including ALL the Edible goodies....

I like "LIFE", too! I'm not sure anybody is watching it eirher, but I really like the idea of it and I LOVE Him....He is such a terrific actor and the premise isd fascinating....The woman is very good, too!
Like you, I hope it makes it to the end of the season....!

Don't watch the other ones so I have no opinion there. I saw KANE once....It was okay, but, doesn;t interest me particularly....HERO'S neither....
SassyAssy said…
Paddling? You do s&m at your parent's house? I am horrified to hear that! *grins* and all this time I thought you were such a conservative person.

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