Don't bug me!

Is it time to call Orkin?


Into the Light said…
It depends on where he's taken up residence or if he's got friends. He doesn't look like he'd hurt you though....
kenju said…
It just might be, Dave.....LOL

But if he flew in an open door, maybe not. If I only saw one, I wouldn't worry too much.
Anonymous said…
Liz said…
rennratt said…
Nope, it's time to buy a hammer.
utenzi said…
I think you're right Teresa. I'll take Judy's advice and not worry about it.
SassyAssy said…
Those bugs are stinky if killed--ewwww!
utenzi said…
I had no idea, Sassy. I don't even know what kind of bug it is. It just looked interesting.
SassyAssy said…
I have no idea what kind it is either, but killed bug = skunk smell.
srp said…
That is the shape of a stink bug. But since my sinuses are long since pickled by formalin fumes and my sense of smell is gone until such time as I can find an ENT to laser them.... I don't care if he, she or it stinks. Hmm! Guess it would be a good time to go to Europe!

And now back to the boxes.
rosemary said…
STINK BUG ALERT. They are nasty and if there is one there has to be two. They fly sideways as well...and buzz...nasty critters.
Bobkat said…
I have no idea what a stink bug is but I guess the name says it all! It's pretty though.
I don't know what/who Orkin is, but it may be time to call them! Ergh!
Smug said…
I think that they are actually called Stink Bugs, we have them a lot around here too - if you start seeing more of them inside your place - call someone!!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Smug in the name, stink bug. I've only ever seen them in raspberry canes. I bit into one when I was little. It was in the raspberries. It's defense is a really bitter taste.
tiff said…
pentatomidae - note the 5-sided body, like a pentagon.

It's a hemipteran.

Yeah, I took entomology back in the day. Caught a TON of these suckers for my collection too.

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