Playing around

If you've been here before, you'll probably notice that there's a few changes underfoot. I've decided to play around with my template. So far I've just switched my header to an old one I used last year for a few weeks, took out my old CSS and implemented a simpler style and color scheme, and I'm in the process of taking out the old menus.

Please bear with me since I'm not getting this done very quickly. Maybe tomorrow I'll get new graphics worked up in Photoshop but for right now I'm making do with old stuff that's just hanging around from previous designs.

Okay. I did bother to do the Photoshop on the menus, at least, despite the late hour. Here's the old design for the green colored blog:

Now I've replaced them with the sand colored buttons there on the left. I like them a lot better--and that stylized sun seems so cheerful. I've still got my blog list on a jump menu but I'll probably switch that out this weekend. I'm just trying it out for a bit to see if I like that type of menu better. What do y'all think?

Just be glad I decided against this header:

Not everyone is a fan of slugs. But the color did work a little with this new color scheme. LOL Anyway, I'll make a new header and maybe a footer sometime this weekend. Any preferences in what I use for it?


Bernie said…
Oh please use the slug... pleeeeaaaassse!!!
I also think that the new buttons to the side are very fancy...
A work in progress that is looking good, I wonder if Michele will notice??
Oh, here from MIchele's this afternoon!!!
Michele said…
Hello Utenzi,

Perhaps I am the last person who should offer any design feedback, afterall, my blog is very plain, possibly boring. However you asked, so....

I love the colour and I really like the stylized sun that is on the buttons. Yes, I think you might be right that slugs are not the best choice. Whatever you choose to do will be the perfect thing to do. How do I know this? Well, your content will still be wonderful and
that makes the entire blog perfect.

A final suggestion: don't place a leg photo on your site - it has been done before, and it is also boring.

Have a great Friday Utenzi!
utenzi said…
LOL Thanks Michele! And while my legs would indeed be boring--yours are anything but boring. My, oh my.

Thanks, Bernie. I'll give the slug header some "serious" thought!
Bobkat said…
Hi. I like the new sand colour adn the sun design on the buttons - they are cheerful! :)

I like the slug too but them I'm strange that way. I like the idea of the natue theme though.

On that note- thanks for the shady path pic you sent me for my birthday - I loved it :)
Anonymous said…
The new look and layout is absolutely gorgeous and it has this summer feeling as well
Annie said…
Oh I really love those sidebar headers. They look great. I have a couple of templates hanging around too but lately I've been designing them for other people so not much time to play with my own. I am by no means a template expert though. By no means at all lol
I like the new design and the buttons are fabulous! I think it might be time to change the look of my blog as well. I have had the same look since I had short hair!

Michele sent me,

Megan said…
Slugs are highly underrated. Slap a shell on them and you've got a snail! Stick a shell on a cat and it's still a cat...

I like this template. Oh, and Michele sent me today. Have a wonderful weekend.
Anonymous said…
Go with the slug...
its humorous in a slimy kind of way. :-)

Here from Micheles

Anonymous said…
Via Michele.

You have my regards for messing with the template. Every time I try something new, something bad happens.

kenju said…
Dave, I like this header and footer, although the footer is upside down...LOL. I may change my colors soon; I'm getting bored with them.

Michele sent me.
utenzi said…
Good catch, Judy. That footer was originally matched with a header that was upside-right. They were like reflections of one another.
MaR said…
I like your new look, Utenzi. I would do much more about mine if I only knew how...
Michele sent me your way this time, like she did before the other way around today. Thanks for your kind comment, you are one of a kind!
rosemary said…
OK, I am not a fan of the slug....sorry....see my comment in the top post. I do love the color scheme tho.
rennratt said…
I really like the new look.

Thanks for not choosing the slug.

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