Man of the Year

I watched the movie Man of the Year tonight on DVD. I wasn't really expecting to like it very much 'cause I'd seen a number of reviews reviling it for being so uneven. But I was curious so I picked it up from the library this afternoon anyway.

The reviewers had it right. This movie is quite uneven and can't decide if it's a comedy, a drama, a spy flick, or a conspiracy movie. And y'know--I really liked it a lot. To me, even if to nobody else, this movie worked from start to finish. I can see someone like Robin Williams working the room during the beginning of a pseudo-campaign and transitioning in just the ways shown here.

Barry Levinson, who wrote and directed this movie, is pitch perfect as he moves Tom Dobbs (Robin Williams), a comedy talk show host, through his paces on political, comedic and personal fronts. It is at times low key, at other times divisive, but it targets the political flaws in our system quite well with only rare sermonizing. Not a bad job by Levinson and an apt "sequel" to his 1997 political film Wag the Dog.

I don't think this film is for everyone but I certainly am glad I watched it. We probably don't really want a Tom Dobbs in the oval office, or do we?


kenju said…
I'm going to add that one to my list, Dave, since you liked it. I have been crazy about Robin since Mork and Mindy.
Anonymous said…
We rented that movie a while ago and my husband felt the way you did. I couldn't make it past the first 20 minutes though... it just didn't grab me and all those blogs were singing their siren song!

Ari (Baking and Books)
Oh and BTW: I forgot to mention that Kim was very very VERY young when she had Tanya, So your evaluation is correct...! (lol)
Sparky said…
I saw that in the theater, and really like it too - but realize I was definitely in the minority. I don't know if we want him in office, but I'd give my eye teeth for someone to do what RW did in the debate scene.
Anonymous said…
We just watched this. I loved the debate scene and a few others. It dragged in a few spots. Robin makes me laugh.

And, I want our canidates to wear a Nascar like suit. That was brillant.

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