movie review

I took 3 movies out from the library last week. Accepted, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and Derailed. I never watched Derailed. I looked at the movie trailer on the DVD for the movie and didn't have any interest in it at all. Apparently it's about two married people who have an unplanned affair sparked from a chance meeting on a subway--and during their tryst a person robs them...and then uses the contact information he gleaned in the robbery to blackmail them. That's all far too sordid for me so I didn't watch it. Did any of you like it?

Pirates had a huge budget and it shows. Shows? Hell, it's more like the money is a stinking polecat (skunk) being thrust at your face--you just can't ignore it and while it's kinda pretty, it's not entirely welcome. I didn't dislike Pirates 2 but I can't say I enjoyed it either. To me it was like a 2 hour commercial for the third movie. And that's more than a little annoying. It's a very polished movie but despite the sometimes frenetic pace it never seemed like anything happened and Depp's drunk pirate act was wearing a little thin at times. I'm glad I didn't spend the money to see this at the movie theatre. It didn't measure up to the first Pirates movie.

Accepted is a dumb movie. And I liked it. Quite a bit actually. But I don't really know why. It's about a group of kids that are graduating high school and for a variety of reasons haven't been accepted to college. And they want to be in college. So... the lead fellow decides to "fake it" for a year until he can get into a real school. And that "little white lie" snowballs until you have a sit-com style movie. It reminds me a little of Caddyshack though almost any teen comedy has elements of this movie in it. I guess I liked it mostly due to the cast, most of whom were appealing.


Michelle said…
I think you have to accept them for what they are, i enjoyed all 3 :o)
Melody said…
Hehe. I just did a post about Pan's Labyrinth! It was a fabulous movie and I will definitely be buying it once it is released onto DVD.

I'm here via Michele today Utenzi...
Olyal said…
Thanks for the warning about those movies... I don't think i'll waste my time considering watching them. :o)
Bobkat said…
I felt exactly the same way about Pirates 2. After the initial enjoyment had faded and I realised nothing new was happening I was disappointed. I haven't seen the other two but I did go to the cinema to see the new Rocky film recently. I wasn't expecting too much adn this might be part of the reason I genuinley enjoyed it!
kenju said…
I haven't seen any of those, Dave, and I am unlikely to, now....LOL

Michele sent me today.
Marie said…
I haven't seen any of these.

We watched Garden State last night, which was supposed to be a whimsical comedy (according to the label)... there were some funny moments, but overall it was just plain odd. There are better ones out there for sure!

Hi from Michele's!!
Craver said…
I saw DeRailed and really liked it.
There's a twist at then end you don't see coming, and yeah, it's a little hard to watch sometimes, it's gritty, but I like gritty.

Haven't seen the others..
Anonymous said…
I just looked at my book shelf and realized just how far behind I am in my movies. For Christmas, everyone bought me just what I asked for... movies and I think I have a years worth... but none that you have on your list! Hmmm... ;)
chrysalis said…
Don't worry about Derailed. You'll figure the plot out in 5 minutes and spend the rest of the time wondering how much longer till the rest of them figure it out.

Hope all is well!
Anonymous said…
I fell asleep during Derailed and then my husband just told me the rest and it sounded ridiculous to me. Also fell asleep during Pirates, but what i did see sucked so i have no intention of trying to watch the rest. will have to check out accepted..

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