bad weekend

*whew* This has been a bad weekend for me. I've been kinda sorta sick the whole time. I don't know if it's a mild cold or really bad allergies (my girlfriend got another cat--this makes 4!--so I might be reacting to it) but in either case I just don't feel good.

As a result I've been doing a lot of sleeping and reading but not much else. Ren and I replaced a wall switch that had stopped working --it controls the fluroescent lights in the kitchen-- but that's the only project we bothered with.

I only watched half the UNC / Florida State game 'cause I was so tired that I kept falling asleep. Sad. UNC won the game (84 v 58) and I really wish I'd seen more of it. Zzzzzzzz...


kenju said…
I've been the same for about 3 days, Dave. Mr. kenju and I both have it, although he is coughing his innards up and I am just headachy and stuffed-up.

Hope you feel better soon.
Anonymous said…
I have 7 cats at my parent's home. I have two cats at the home that I share with Paul.

I love my cats.


I'm sorry that you are so allergic. They can be so sweet sometimes.
utenzi said…
I hear you, Teresa. By Tuesday morning I felt better. I'm pretty sure it was something in the house that was making me feel sick though I don't know if it was the cats or not.
srp said…
The mild weather and the damp weather has helped the mold explode. Apparently the cold winter helps kill it back and we haven't had that. It also hasn't done much to kick back the flea population either... great outlook for the summer.

My sinuses can't take the back and forth really warm, really cold business. But then they have been messed up with exposure to pine pollen and 25 years of formaldehyde.

Feel better.
Spock said…
I is sorry you has been sick Dave & I is sorry I hasn't been around lately. I dout it was tha kitty what made you sick...I don make you sick!! Tell tha new kitty hi for me Dave.
carmilevy said…
It freaks me out how many folks I know have been sick of late. 'Tis definitely the season.

I hope you're all better now (I know, I'm slow...)

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