70,000 visits and counting

This is my 587th post and in an hour or so the 70,000 discrete visitor (repeat visits don't count on any given day, people are only counted once per day) will be taking a look at my blog. Want some more numbers? It's 26f outside right now and that's just too damn cold for me. I know lots of people endure much colder weather--but I moved to the Southern US for the warm weather. Nobody mentioned that it'd still get below freezing down here too.

Half my last 100 visitors were from the USA and the rest were scattered across the globe. Not surprising most are in English speaking countries since I'm not multilingual.

I've been experimenting with preparing beef steaks this past week. It's not a food I normally eat so there's a learning curve involved. I've taken pictures of my mistakes but I'm waiting for something to actually taste good before posting about it. I suspect it'll take another couple of days, I'm afraid. At least it's adding a lot of iron to my diet.

I'm also moving along with Michael Pollan's book The Omnivore's Dilemma and I really like it. I do have a few bones to pick with the book, but overall it's quite good. Even though I'm only a third of the way through it, I heartily endorse it already.


Anonymous said…
Wow - that's quite a few visitors! I really must get around to figuring out how to do / add some of the snazzy things I've seen in other people's side bars. I have no idea how many visitors I have had!

Good look with the beef steaks!
Anonymous said…
WOW! Great stats. Its about 20 degrees here right now.

Good luck w. those steaks!
Anonymous said…
Hi - in answer to your question. Yes I've used that pic of the lizards before.

Thanks for your comment - it makes me happy when people like my pics and are kind enough to say something nice about them :-) Especially when I consider that person to be a good photographer.
Anonymous said…
Wow 70,000 visits!! Go you!!

I love looking at where people have visited from aswell! It surprises me quite a bit sometimes!
kenju said…
Congrats of the # of hits, Utenzi! Seems as they get higher, they multiply exponentially (whatever that means)...LOL
srp said…
When I started I put "sitemeter" on mine and then added "statcounter" a year ago. Some days they are close... other days they are in different universes... off by more than 40 or 50.

Good luck with that cooking of the tough cuts of beef...

Yes, we had frost this morning and although it is only in the low 50's, it still is nice enough to wear a sweater and not a heavy coat.
carmilevy said…
You've filled a large football stadium. Cool! And well-deserved. I'm honored to have been one of the many repeat readers.

We have snow now. All is back to normal.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! that's a lot of traffic. How do you do that? Is that everyday?
Anonymous said…
Go Utenzi! Go Utenzi! I'm smiing for you!

And look forward to warmer wether this weekend, just don't get use to it! Another cold front comes next week.
Michelle said…
Congrats on 70,000 visitors...no mean feat for sure :o)
Anonymous said…
impressive! congratulations. good luck with the steaks, hope to read about what you have concocted! cheers
Azgreeneyes said…
70,000 visits, and here I am, still getting excited when someone comments on my blog! Of course, most of them are via Michele, who sent me to you today. Isn't she awesome?!? Congrats on your visits, and please post your recipe when you get it fine tuned!
Catherine said…
That book sounds interesting, although at the moment I'm too busy pondering transportation dilemmas to get to grips with food dilemmas. But I do belive we will have to change the way we live.
Congratulations on all the visitors. I have a site meter but I don't pay it much attention. I don't think it gives me that much detail.
Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Stats are the reason I blog...

... and you need to move to Florida, always shorts and sandals here... and lots of latina chicks keep you warm.
Anonymous said…

Michele told me to come and say hello :)

happy sunday night to ya :)

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