Christmas shopping is finished!

From 8am to noon my girlfriend and I were out at the stores south of Raleigh doing that last touches on the holiday shopping. I am now finished--and not only finished but I have a few generic extra presents just in case.

This is one of the extras. It was on sale at Amazon for one day and I couldn't resist. I might keep it for myself--or to scare the bejesus out of cats!

We ended up going to a bunch of stores in just 3 hours this morning. Let's see, first Home Depot, then Target, Kohl's, Circuit City, Borders, and a quick lunch at Burger King where I had their Angus Beef sandwich and it was tasty, and then finally an ABC Store.

I'm scooting over to my parent's house in SC on Sunday--probably my normal 3am departure to get there around dawn, 4 hours later--so that means a lot of present wrapping tomorrow. My girlfriend is going up to her parent's place tomorrow morning. I was going to go with her but my belly has been a little precarious of late so I'm just going to go back to my house and do the wrapping. I've already given Renee her presents so she's having a multi-day Christmas--as am I!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone out there. I hope the retailers enjoyed my contributions to their cause.


Merry Christmas! Here from Michele's today!
craziequeen said…
Cool beastie!!

hi there Utenzi, Michele sent me :-)

Anonymous said…
How cool is that? A spare dino. I'm jealous. I'll may just have to ask for one of these next year! Seriously, hope you have a wonderful holiday. Happy Happy and Merry Merry!
Linda said…
That's a great dinosaur - you could send it to our house and add to the mess in my living room!

Thanks for visiting my blog today!
Anonymous said…
I have a vision of the cats encountering that beast....hope you know how to perform CPR on felines. (smile)
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a safe trip to SC.
Here from Michele's.....
srp said…
My brother once gave Nyssa dinosaur feet slippers that roared.... does that count?
Have a great time at your folks. I'm with you on the driving... I can tolerate it, even enjoy it if I start early. The earliest ever .... I started out at 12:30 AM on the fifteen hour trek from Mississippi to Virginia with six cats. Nothing could have made that trip enjoyable.
Anonymous said…
Merry Xmas Dave!
kenju said…
If I had lunch at Burger King, my belly would be precarious too!

Merry Christmas, Dave, and have a dafe trip to SC.
kenju said…!
Michelle said…
OMG, you must keep it!!
Have a Merry & safe Christmas :o)
tiff said…
that dino is no extra - unless you found some kind of huge sale....Thing 1 wanted one of these so BADLY this year, he would be all kinds of envious.

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