Murder By The Book

Murder by the Book is a new television show on Court TV. It starts up on November 13th, at least here in the US. Murder Mysteries and their origins is what it is all about. What it consists of is interviews and such with famous mystery writers. The initial shows are with James Ellroy, Faye Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Michael Connelly and Lisa Scottoline. It sounds very interesting to me. I especially look forward to Connelly.

Here's the description of the show from the Court TV website:

Using documentary footage, first-person accounts and the author's own insights, each one-hour episode sheds new light on a particularly intriguing crime. With alarming new facts combined with suspenseful storytelling, riveting developments are the rule in each dramatic opening and every shocking conclusion.

The first show features James Ellroy. I'm definitely going to record these since I don't trust my memory enough to be sure I'll remember to watch them.


Uisce said…
Hello, Michele sent me! Sounds interesting! Funny how there's a different cable station for every particular interest. There are so many different types of stations, and I don't even have digital!
Anonymous said…
Bit lost on a visitor from the UK I'm afraid!
Here from Michele's.
Anonymous said…
i love true crime so it will be interesting to see what makes those crime writers tick!

michele sent me today. :)
Not fair... We don'T get that channel over here ! You'll have to put updates for that show !!

Michele sent me ; have a great weekend !
Anonymous said…
ok, so since michele sent me back over here....

i love true crime novels. when i was on my honeymoon i read this one book called "daddy's girl" about a murder that happened in Texas. a few years ago my niece met this guy at some event and it turns out that the book was written about his mother! that was kind of weird. i felt like i knew a bunch of private stuff about his family.
kenju said…
I'm not a fan of crime stuff, most of the time. I do wish I had a way to record stiff now. We have a DVD player, but it cannot record.

Michele sent me this time, Dave.
Anonymous said…
Hi, Dave.

While I'm not a huge fan of court tv, I AM a huge fan of both mysteries and the writing process, so I'm tivo-ing the first episode, at least.

Glad you mentioned it.
rennratt said…
I LOVE both Faye and Jonathan Kellerman. I have a feeling that this show will become a new favorite.

I hope that it doesn't interfere with "The Monastery"...
angela marie said…
I love crime shows...alas we cancelled our cable.
Olyal said…
Sounds like my kind of show... i wonder if we'll get it here?
I love the First 48... kinda creepy but cool. Not at all like CSI.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Sounds promising; hope it makes it's way across the Atlantic.

Michele sent me here.
Sounds very interesting Dave...
Do you feel like there are moee and moee shows about Murder and Killing and Mysteries ??? Iy seems to me that is half of what TV is now, one way or another...OR, it is the "Reality Show" Follies...(lol)

Here from Michele this early A.M. and now I'm off to get some Zzzzzzzzzzzzz's....

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