kayak in the mist

I'm back home in North Carolina. I was at my parent's place in SC for 5 days and left there for home at 10:27pm Monday and arrived back here at 2:02am on Tuesday. No rain this trip though it must have been close all the way. The weather channel showed a lot of stormy weather on the coastal regions. I guess it just didn't stretch far enough inland to impact me.

It's been blustery all day today and it started raining hard around 2:15pm. 39f and dropping which is nasty when combined with the wind and rain. I'm glad I'm inside!

Here's the first of several pictures I'll put up on here from my morning kayak trip on Sunday. It was by far the best day for pictures since the mist was incredible. I'll add more pictures tomorrow when I have some time and I might make a new picture blog just for kayaking pictures. Be warned, I have many many thousands of them so if I even post a few percent of them....


kenju said…
I love the mist rising off the water, Dave!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful !
Anonymous said…
Lovely pics! So peaceful.

About the comment you left on my blog about the ornament photo: it's done with the Photoshop Photo Montage feature where you can either make a montage of different photos or take many different pictures of the same, say, tree and the feature will line up all the pixels to make a whole tree. Needless to say, Photoshop gave up on my pics because the tile in the background got it confused. It told me to place the photos where I wanted them. However, it's an efficient way to post a lot of pics.

BTW, love your comment about Bush, Viet Nam and the 40 year lag time.
Anonymous said…
This picture is so striking...haunting and somehow still, but I can hear the gentle watery sounds when I look at it.
carmilevy said…
Your composition on this one is remarkable. It sears itself into my brain from the first second it appears.

Damn, can you shoot!
Anonymous said…
This is beautiful. As always, your pictures are fabulous. You have such a way with the camera.

Here via Michele's, but I'm so glad I came back!
Anonymous said…
That's a very cool picture. That looks so peaceful. Not anything like where I am now!

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