notes and errata

I don't like high utility bills. As a result I love the months between hot weather and cold weather. Unfortunately that period of time is never long enough so I have to help it along a bit. I do this by waiting just a little extra time before turning on my heat or A/C. Right now I'm trying to resist starting to use the heat until after Halloween. Unfortunately it's been a bit chilly the past few days and nights so it's not been above 59f in here for 4 days. And it's supposed to be in the low 30s the next two nights. Brrrr! I'll make it tonight but tomorrow night my resolve might falter a bit.

Of course the whole thing is silly and I know it. Even in the worst of the Winter I only spend about $2 a day on heat. I can certainly spare that one or two days this October--but I get stubborn. LOL Taurus, y'know?I did my grocery shopping after work Monday at Food Lion. Spend $50. Eeeek! But I did score 13 bags of candy so I'm set for a while. Hershey candy was 2 bags for $4 (they were 12-14 ounces so it was around $2.65 a pound). That was half the bill, the other half was spent on celery, a bell pepper, loaf of bread, 5 lb of red potatoes, some cheddar cheese and a bag of cubed Monteray Jack, potato chips, and a pound and a half each of stew meat and boneless chicken breast.

Just about everything was on sale, of course, but it does add up so the total came to $49 and change.

Not very interesting, I know, but I'm cold and not very inspired. The menu for the week is going to be chicken breast grilled on my panini thingy on Monday and Tuesday nights--I used to do grilled chicken on my iron griddle but the panini grill is faster and easier to clean--and then Wednesday morning I'll do the beef stew meat in my crock pot. Some celery, carrots and onion, maybe one potato, in the bottom and then the meat with some diced onion on top. That'll take care of Wednesday and Thursday night--after that I'll have to make more food for the weekend. Maybe I'll make some muffins tomorrow...

As for the pictures, I took both of these Monday night after I got home. The one above is my last rose bud of the season. I've only had white ones lately. It's been at least 6 weeks since a red one bloomed and with the frost, this one might not ever make it to full bloom. Shame. The picture below is a ladybug against a stormy sky and the back of my house. The back isn't nearly as pretty as the front, I'm afraid. The single centered dormer--it's my upstairs bathroom--just looks silly. The front with its two dormers looks a lot more symetrical.


Anonymous said…
Taurus huh? I'll ahve to check if the family I know who try to penny pinch in sweaters are too.

Lovely rose.
Anonymous said…
Just dropped in to check out your new photos -- I LOVE the ladybugs! Great shots!
tiff said…
I like the ladybug photo too.

Sounds like you get massive trick-or-treaters at your house....or is the candy just for YOU?
Ginnie Hart said…
I had to laugh at your stubbornness, Utenzi, because, truth be known, I'm the same way. I can always go a few days longer than Donica can on heat or a/c, before turning it on. I've decided that even if I were a millionaire, I'd be the same way. It's a conservation thing for me. The more I save, the more there'll be, right? If everyone did that each winter, I'm sure someone could calculate how much energy we'd save. Anyway, I value that trait :)
Anonymous said…
I had a touch of heat on the other night, but just a touch. And then once the chill was gone, I turned it off.

A/C however, I refuse to live without ever again. Too many a/c free California summers.
Anonymous said…
Hey, love the last shot, Dave! Great depth of field... I really need to get out with my camera more, except that I'll be working 80 hour weeks for the next couple before my cruise. *sigh*
kenju said…
I bet you are going to eat most of that candy yourself, huh? Am I right?

I went to food Lion today; bought chicken breasts, Bisquick, broccoli, and a few other things. The bill came to $15, since I had a coupon. I forgot butter, though, so I have to go back tomorrow. Dumb, huh?
Anonymous said…
Our electric bill is much more higher during summer so I will save a more buck as the winter approaching.....

Cool pictures especially lady bug's around...

How are you Utenzi????
1blueshi1 said…
Hi, utenzi! Thought I'd stop by and check you out; thanx for the comments especially on my MommyRant--I feel so guilty after I snap on the kids, all humor is greatly appreciated!
I like your house, too.
SassyAssy said…
I am so glad I found your new blog. I have been living in puzzled oblivion wondering why you stopped blogging...and then, at last, I found you. I have a lot of catching up to do with your posts!

You take really good pics by the way.
srp said…
Here from Michele this time.

OK, why do YOU have ladybugs still and we don't. We are not that far apart geographically and yes, I know they tend to winter further south, but I thought it was even deeper south. I have been looking for them in the weeds behind the house for a month and find none. They love the bedstraw plants and it looks like that weed was getting some of its fall growth going....

Wait!!!!! I know. It must be all those aphids eating up the roses! ;)
Anonymous said…
I finally had to bite the bullet and turn the heat on. . . I was so mad. Hopefully it will get a little warmer again so we can have a genuine fall--I'm so sick of it going between 70 and 40.
Michele sent me.

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