
It's the end of October and that means all sorts of things. Daylight Savings Time so now we'll be commuting home in the dark, colder weather with frosty mornings though it's getting up to 75f today, Halloween and lots of candy, and NaNoWriMo starts up in a couple of days.

I think the thing I like most about this time of year is the clearance sales on Halloween candy on November First. Don't expect me at work early 'cause I always check out at least one store's candy area. Sometimes two or three stores! My favorite for these sales is Smarties but there's lots of others I'll buy.

I think the biggest quantity I ever got was 6 years ago when the stores near me had really too much inventory and the post-Halloween markdown was 80%. I picked up something like 60 pounds of candy that year. Oddly enough I was able to make my way through it in 6 months. Sugar is wonderful!

I usually get between 25 - 50 kids each year as trick-or-treaters, almost all being driven around by parents since there's not a lot of houses nearby, so I get a few bags of candy before Halloween--but I save most of my buying for afterwards. Of course some years the stores don't buy enough and then there's nothing on clearance. That sort of thing can make me depressed for days! LOL


Marie said…
Gotcha new blog URL changed. Thanks for telling me...
We don't get trick or treaters up here. Too far to go between houses. Makes me sad...
Anonymous said…
That's a lot of sweets (or candy as you say!).
SassyAssy said…
Smarties are the best!
Anonymous said…
1) I love Smarties.

2) I have learned that it's crucial to give good candy at Halloween. Doing so prevents smashed pumpkins and egged windows. We live in one of those neighborhoods that people drive to in order to trick-or-treat, and we bought 12 bags of candy this year.
srp said…
My dad's philosophy is to by the candy he likes. Then if it's left over he'll enjoy it. He too raids the after Halloween sales.... Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Three Musketeers and KitKats. My personal favorite.... MalloCups; very old hard to find... Eckerds has had the small versions the past two Halloweens, no other time, just October. If I want some any other time I'd have to order them from a catalogue. I sometimes wonder if my dad likes the peanut butter cups because he knows I don't like them. Hmmm.

I sat out in my pumpkin patch feeling a bit like Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin. I saw no kids tramping across the yard and fully expect to have my remaining pumpkins intact tomorrow morning. Unless the possom eats them... do possoms eat pumpkins?

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