new television season

The new shows are getting started for the Fall Season. FOX has several shows started and most of the other networks are staggering the start of their new shows and returning shows over the next 3 weeks.

So far I've seen 3 new shows, all on FOX. One episode each of the half hour comedies 'Til Death and Happy Hour and 2 episodes of the drama Justice. The two comedies had some funny lines but at least for me they didn't seem worth bothering with. Brad Garrett, who played the older brother on Everybody Loves Raymond, is the main reason to watch 'Til Death---but that's not enough to carry a show. On the other hand, I really liked both episodes of Justice which surprised me. I wasn't expecting to like it due to the slimy nature of the premise. The show follows the backroom workings of a law firm that specializes in defending high profile celebrity cases.

What I'm looking forward to most this season is the return of The Amazing Race. That show will make it's return one week from today, at least in the USA, and it'll be the 10th season already. They've been running something like 2 or 3 season per year so it's not as long a run as it sounds.

New shows that I want to see are Six Degrees, Shark and maybe The Knights of Prosperity. What new or returning shows are you looking forward to?


Moon said…
I haven't seen any new ones yet but I do look forward to the return of CSI Vegas, Greys Anatomy, Amazing race aswell and a few others.
Here from Michele's this morning.
Anonymous said…
looking forward to Amazing race, Survivor and CSI myself.
Michelle sent me.
Anonymous said…
YouTube's as close as I get to TV.
kenju said…
I am looking forward to "So you think you can dance" and the new season of Grey's Anatomy and Boston Legal!

You ask why everyone is so into Moogie - and I ask - why were you up so very late last night???

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me. I'm looking forward to Dancing with the stars. I haven't seen it yet, but a friend is hooked, so I have to check it out. My problem is that I get so wrapped up in stuff around here that I forget to watch a show until I hear it was on... bums me out everytime. Oh, and if they do another Hell's Kitchen, I'll be there for that everytime!
Anonymous said…
Well, Utenzi, you got me. I didn't realize 5 & 6 were missing when I lifted it from Susan. My bad!

So, here they are: 5. What brand of spaghetti sauce graces your pasta?
Well, I prefer to make it from scratch, but if that isn't working, then I get Prego and spruce it up.

6. This one is easy: What kind of soda do you buy (or, if you're from the midwest, "pop")?
Diet Coke!
Anonymous said…
I am bummed out I missed Justice.
Although I am quite excited about House, Dancing with the Stars, Grey's Anatomy and maybe Jericho.
Hi from Michele
Anonymous said…
Grey's Anatomy season 2 started a few weeks ago here...finally! I've not seen anything else appear that looks interesting though! I think we need to wait until about October for most of the new stuff to start :(
Theo said…
with little time devoted to TV, i watch one show weekly; House.

Here from Michele's!
Michelle said…
Can't wait for Amazing Race & Justice :o)
Mike said…
I'm looking forward to CSI and House as well as grey's Anatomy
Sandy said…
I'm so very out of the television loop. I've yet to figure out what's on when.

I am, however, heavily addicted to Prison Break. I know. I know.

Oh, btw, the picture on my blog - that was in our living room and quite blurry around the edges when not tiny. Without the flash the shutter remained open too long. We ended up with only one or two photos that were 'useable' from the whole 'gift opening broohaha.' ;)
Anonymous said…
I only get the 3 network channels and PBS. So far, I like Old Christine and want to check out the new show by the writers of the West Wing. Michele sent me.
I haven't seen any new shows yet but I am looking forward to House, CSI and that new show Smith looks good.
Anonymous said…
I will be watching the last season of the Gilmore Girls. I am not keeping up w. the new shows, because I have so many other things I want to do. I am still working my way thru the first season of Lost.
tiff said…
New teevee? I'm hoping that a new season of House Hunters and Antiques Road Show come on. That's horrifyingly embarrassing to admit.
Dee said…
I think my body has whatever yours has. That or I am just getting old. My joints ache like crazy when it rains and it has been raining here.

I love all the csi shows and since Everybody loves Raymond was a favorite, I hope I do not forget Brad Garrrets new one as I loved him in Raymond. He is one funny guy.

I am waiting on the new season of House too. I love the guy on there. So cool.....

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