bush and midterm politics

While I was getting ready for work this morning I watched some of President Bush's speechifying to the American Legion convention in Salt Lake City yesterday. I was quite impressed with his technique, actually. Usually his public speaking skills make him seem more like a bad standup comedian instead of a world leader but I thought he came across much better yesterday. His delivery was stern, direct, and most of all serious. Normally he seems to be trying to tell jokes with pauses for laughter--but not yesterday. It took 6 years in office but he's finally able to deliver a speech.

The downside is that the content was just the same old bullshit. The war in Iraq is the only way to stem the tide of terrorism--whereas the rest of the world recognizes the Iraq conflict as the world's training ground for incipient terrorists as well as a huge recruitment tool for said terrorists.

"If we give up the fight in the streets in Baghdad, we will
face the terrorists in the streets of our own cities."

I worry that the improvement in delivery might help the GOP hold onto more seats in the upcoming midterm election but I guess with such bad public opinion numbers, it might be too late for George W to have that much of an affect anyway. Maybe he should have worked with Toastmasters back when he was partying at Yale...


Anonymous said…
Hello, Michelle sent me.

While I didn't hear the speach, I did hear that he used the same arguments to defend the war in Iraq.
chrysalis said…
Ugh. I weep for actual truth.

Hi from Michele's.
Thanks for the visit Dave and all the very wonderful words, too! Yes, I do get down into the garden---many of the pictures were taken down there....But I need to wait till the AIR is better here...The polution has been frightening! The color tells me the air is worse than ever here---Too many cars on the road!
And thank you so much for sharing my blog with your co-workers! I am very flattered!

About W. I have one word to say. OY!
tiff said…
I've heard that the man now knows how to say nuclear, but I wouldn't know for sure because I can't watch him talk. For some reason he makes me very uncomfortable.
sage said…
i thought the same thing. I don't generally fault him on his speaking ablility, I screw up nuclear about half the time myself. But I don't like his rhetoric, never did. Here from Michele's
Thumper said…
Didn' he pretty mcuh give the same speech as he did a year ago? Without the stuttering...?

here via Michele's this afternoon :)
utenzi said…
Almost word for word, K. But the delivery has changed.
carmilevy said…
I fear for the country's future, my friend. I seriously wonder if the electorate has the brains to make the right decisions anymore. Given the chance, voters seem to be patently unable to pick the right candidates for the right reason.

So in the end, they get what they deserve. Of course, everyone else has to live with the resulting mediocrity as well.

Michele and I would use our Canadian influence if we could. If only.
Kara said…
Well, at least we dont have to worry about a re-election....
Here via michele today
Azgreeneyes said…
Here from Michele's

I missed the speech, so I didn't get to hear the grown up version of a presidential speech.
Anonymous said…
Did you see the 'oops' the other day that CNN did while the announcer went to the bathroom while the live Bush speech was on? OOooops.

Hope you have an awesome long weekend, Dave!!

ps: I want to email you early next week about your thoughts on kyacking! (I think I'm spelling it wrong) I know you persue that sport, so I want to get some ideas from you!
kenju said…
There are a lot of things that W should have been doing at Yale - like learning how to pronounce "Nuclear!"
Tracie Nall said…
W-....no comment. It has all been said already.

Thanks for stopping by earlier-and for the nice comments about my picture :)

Hope you aren't getting too much rain from Ernesto-I'm in the part of Florida that didn't get any (this time) but there is still a lot of hurricane season to go!
Anonymous said…
You needing your kayak to cut the lawn yet?

You know, I just discovered how to work the links on the left of your sidebar. The mouse doesn't change to a hand so I thought they were dummy placeholders until you went back to your old address.
Michelle said…
Hello Utenzi! Here via Michele tonight. I didn't catch the speech, but I think I am grateful for that. Have a great night!

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