Pippin News Flash

That damn cat is back. I knew things were too good to be true.

Anyway, Pippin showed up on Renee's doorstep around 8pm, thinner than usual and ravenous. Her kids think that someone saw the posters we had put up and dropped Pippin off at the house. I don't think that's the case though. His being hungry and not fed doesn't fit into that scenario.

My belief, you ask? Well... let's just say that apparently the aliens are once again sampling lifeforms from Earth. I am just glad that apparently they're putting us back once they're done with whatever tests they do.

Aliens or not, it's weird that he was gone for 6 days then returns in fine shape except for being thin and hungry. Welcome back, Bad Penny. Some of us missed you.


Moon said…
Glad to hear the cat is home safe. Must have been out painting the town red while mom was away lol.
Here from Michele's ...take care.
verniciousknids said…
Maybe Pippin had a date with Crookshanks?!

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
lol. Everybody sing, the cat came back, the very next day...the cat came back...the cat just couldn't quit ya.
I lost my cat tonight, too. But it was only for like 2 hours, and he was under a chair. Still is. And Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Too bad cats can't talk. You'll never know what happened. Maybe went to sow some oat down an alley?
Anonymous said…
Look what the cat dragged in. Don't know if my message took.
utenzi said…
No chance of that, Colleen. His sowing capability ended up on a vetrinarian's floor long ago. Poor Pip.
Anonymous said…
Glad he's returned, however thin and hungry...sorry he's into disappearing acts. This is why I have dogs, and microchipped dogs at that.

Well, and also cuz cats make me sneeze.

Yes, I'm random in the morning.
I'm glad that the cat found its way home. Even though you aren't completely thrilled about Pippin coming back at least your girlfriend is not going to be worried and scared that something happened to her pet. I'm usually a wreck when one of my pets goes missing.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm.... a mystery. Where has Pippin been? Maybe he has been shacked up w. a hot kitty....
chrysalis said…
Cats - yuck. They hate me (well, they tend to put me in the hospital because I'm soooo allergic) and I hate them right back.
chrysalis said…
Woops - forgot to say hi from Michele's!
kenju said…
Glad she's back! Is she in heat?
carmilevy said…
I love a happy ending. Welcome home, Pippin. No more wandering, OK?

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