more of the same

The past two days have seen me not sleeping--some kinda allergy thing going on--and working long hours (at least long for me) so I've not made an entry here. My boss is giving Grand Rounds tomorrow and I've been creating graphics derived from our experimental results for her Powerpoint presentation the past few days. It's all very pretty. :-)

Tomorrow she's giving the presentation so I have to be there. I don't normally attend Grand Rounds since I just do the experimental side, not the clinical side, and the fact that it begins at 7am might enter into the equation also. I have to make the 6:30am bus in order to get there in time and I really, really don't like getting up at 5am! Really, really don't!

I've got half of Wednesday off as well as the rest of the week and next Monday, maybe Tuesday. I'm going to SC to visit with my parents. My aunt and uncle are going to be there and I only get to see them once every few years. Some other family members will be dropping in for a day or two so the house will be quite full on the weekend.

Updates to follow...


Michelle said…
Enjoy your time off, relax and have fun! Best wishes on your presentation :o)
Anonymous said…
Time off to go be with the family you love and more stopping by. Sounds good.

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