lightning and a bug

I took an incredible shot tonight of some lightning. The 6 second exposure has two big strikes in the frame, one on each side of a neighbors house, so you have a frame of reference for the size and strength of the lightning bolts. I'll upload it on Sunday.

For the moment, here's a picture I took earlier tonight, before the storm rolled in, of a grasshopper. That's the fellow, over there, on the left.

I'd taken a number of pictures of him while he was clinging to the underside of the table but the shots I got of it when he moved up on top were much better.

This one is my favorite though my girlfriend liked an earlier one better due to its legs being fully extended. She liked that due to the unusual nature of the pose. Speaking of my girlfriend, there she is below mowing my lawn in a 1.5 second exposure. It was getting dark so the low light level forced the long duration. As a result, it looks like she's really moving fast!


Twist of Kate said…
Love the shot of the grasshopper! I would love to see the lightening ones. We were in Palm Springs last weekend and they had a wicked storm with tons of lightening. I wish I had my camera, though I don't know if I would have gotten it right with the exposure. Oh, hi from Michele's.
Anonymous said…
Hey Utenzi. Great grasshopper pic - I'll have to come back tomorrow to see the other one. I gotta say, I'm not fond of bugs in person but I don't mind looking at pictures of them!

Michele sent me.
The Flamingess said…
Lawnmower woman!! Faster than a speeding John Deere, able to leap tall dandilions in a single bound. Watch out greasshopper, she's coming for you next.

Here from Michele
Unknown said…
Hello from Michele's!

At least the grasshopper survived her speedy lawn mowing expedition...
David Edward said…
good to see you 'hard at work". from michele
Hello, Michele sent me!
My cat is fond of catching grasshoppers. She brings them into the house and then we free them back into the wild. I like grasshoppers, even though they've eaten all of my mint in the garden.
enjoyed the grasshopper photo.
Anonymous said…
Love the shot of the grasshopper. Would even love to see the full size cropped down to show just an interesting part of him such as that pretty pattern on the back leg. One of those "Guess what this is" and then you're surprised to see it is a grasshopper type of thing. By the way, does you girlfriend hire out? ;-)

Michele says hi Utenzi!
carmilevy said…
Do you have any idea how educational your pictures are? Just seeing your composition makes me a better photographer. You rock with a shutter.

Can't wait to see the bolts.
Anonymous said…
A storm a night for the last month...great lightening shot! It would be great with sound effects (but would scare my dog). via micheles.
kenju said…
Okay, where's my first comment? Anyhow, Michele said I should come back. I love the hummingbird and the crape myrtle.

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