Way up North

My tenant from BlogExplosion, a blog traffic site, this week is NewfieGirl. She's from Marystown Newfoundland. Which, in case you're not familiar with the town, is in the southernmost part of Newfoundland, on the island part of the province.

I've been to Canada many times. I grew up in the Adirondack Mountains which is just a hop skip and a jump from Montreal, Quebec and I went to school near Rochester NY which is across Lake Ontario from Toronto, Ontario. All these places are considered pretty far north by most. However NewfieGirl's location makes all these places look like they're deep in the Sunny South! LOL Brrrr!

That's Taco over there to the left. Cute, huh?

NewfieGirl works from home doing design work but doesn't mention this much on her blog. However in the 4 months that she's been blogging, she's moved twice. The first time because the house she and her husband (and don't forget Taco, her dog!) were renting was sold out from under them, and the second time because the house they had moved into was just too small. The second move found them going to a big house out in the countryside. The reason I mention this? Well, the second move meant going back to dial-up and you can imagnine how painful that is to anyone that makes money off of being on the Internet!

For the most part Newfiegirl's blog is the definition of cute. Her dog Taco is just adorable, she has lovely pictures of sweet food like slushies and cheesecake, and her dad's cat Simba as well. However occasionally you see the spirit underneath the "cute" like her post on June 8 when she posted about her father's cancer returning and the loss of her mother 6 years ago. Or the time she and her husband were almost hit by another car and then there's the kidney stones incident. 8 of them! Ouch!

Go on. Give her a visit. You know you want to!


Anonymous said…
I'm heading her way, thanks to you! I need to at least READ about cold weather!
Anonymous said…
Oops! Here from Michele's (don't tell her I forgot)!
Anonymous said…
that dog looks cold,brr. Cute but cold.
Here via Micheles :)
Anonymous said…
What a cute pup! Makes me shiver to think about taking my new puppy out in the snow! (What was I thinking?) Michele sent me over today, but I was heading over on my own. Hope you are having a great weekend.
vanx said…
Cute. I usually don't do cute. But in the dog's case, I'll make an exception. Cute on ice, I guess.
Anonymous said…
What? She doesn't have a Newfie and she lives in Newfoundland? Who would have thunk it. I'll go pay her a visit in a few minutes. Thanks for the intro.

Here from Michele
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me back over here to see that cute pup again.
Canadian Mark said…
Here from Michele's this evening. Kidney stones is a nasty business - even one of them. I'm off to check out your tenant. Always glad to drop in on a fellow Canadian.
carmilevy said…
Some of the nicest people on earth live on the rock. I absolutely must visit there someday.

For now, however, I'll pop in on your tenant. You have exquisite taste in renters.
Tia said…
Hi Utenzi! I wanted to stop by to pay you another visit and to go read all the comments on your death penalty post the other day. Glad to be back, and I'll stop over to say hi to NewfieGirl too.

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