
I implemented a javascript menu system tonight that I modified from Dynamic Drive. Unfortunately it's not working correctly thus the troubleshooting title on this post.

I hate troubleshooting!

The menus work in Opera and IE, but don't in Firefox. I've not tried it in any other browers but I view working in Firefox as critical so I'll keep troubleshooting this. For the moment I'm leaving things as they are--and maybe they're working in some builds of FF but just not mine. Maybe.

Making the whole thing even more puzzling is that when I previewed the new template from within Blogger, using FF, the menu works just fine. It's only after I publish the new template code that it won't work in FF. It really makes you wonder...

Well, if you can't see them--what is supposed to be appearing below the "previous posts" section is the drop down menus for my blog list and archives. This is where I got the code, and it's a nice script. I must have made some change that FF won't recognize or maybe it can't, for some odd reason, locate the scripts which are on a foreign server, not on Blogger. Since IE and Opera have no difficulty, I doubt that's the problem.

Like Alton Brown is so fond of saying: Oh, bother!


Thumper said…
I have found, for whatever reasons, that things work in Blogger's preview but don't when published unless you take out some of the " marks used in HTML...

Here via Michele's tonight!
Tracie Nall said…
Those drop down list things are working when I look at them and I must say that they are cool! They take up much less room than even the scroll bar format. I like them. I am going to have to look into getting some of those myself!

Here from Michele!
You are speaking of the mystery's of the Internet...and you might as well be speaking Chinese!!!(lol)

Thanks for the visit, my dear...Perhaps as we go along in all the rememberances you will see how or why I got to look different...I don't see it, of course...except in my post for tomorrow which isn't up yet but will be..(I hope) in about a half hour...I see how I changed after that severe illness when I was nine...See what you think...
barbie2be said…
i wish i could use firefox but my company has hitched the old wagon to IE. :(

here from michele's today!
Anonymous said…
Winnie the Pooh
said "Oh, bother!", too!

Here through Michele;
Your blog is swell!
Anonymous said…
Welcome to my on-going headaches with web applications. Cross-browser continuity and operation drive me nuts sometimes!

Happy Friday :))
angela marie said…
But help me out here. Were do I 'save as' those two files?

I had better make another copy of my template before I do anything, eh? :)
utenzi said…
You can store them anywhere on the web, Angela. I put mine in my road runner folder but any server would do. Just remember to put the correct address in your template!
-E said…
I don't think I understand anything you said other than something isn't working like it should be. I hope you figure it out soon. But that is exactly why I'm not gonna touch anything in the back door of my blog haha.

Michele sent me.
rashbre said…
I'm using Safari normally and I'm afraid I can't see whatever it is you are doing so I suspoect its the same problem as the Firefox one. Safari is the standard browser for a mac.

I have also used some of the dynamic drive stuff and found it to work fine, but not this particular script.

As a tip, I usually move the .js and .css to another server and simply embed a src= or @include. Not sue whether that will help any?
rashbre said…
And oops, Hiya Michele sent me!
rashbre said…
I just had a peek at what you are trying to do, There's another script also in the dynamic drive site called "switch menu" which should work with all the popular browsers but isnt quite as cosmetically pleasing.

I assume you are trying to do something similar to the popups I use in my sidebar. Mine work with all the browsers and also allow graphics and so forth and also remember the state of anyone elses selections through the use of cookies. Its a little more javascrip, but if you like, I could send it to you with some instructions.

I assume you have reasonable knowledge of .js and .css?

Regards and email me if you want to follow up at
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Love to have mine on domain, or Wordpress
Jean-Luc Picard said…
BTW Michele sent me here.
sage said…
here via Michele's. i'm so not a techy, but hope you get your troubleshooting done and everything back working
David Edward said…
i forget, why do you know all this stuff?
michele says reboot
Anonymous said…
I agree with Naomi....all this tech stuff is Chinese to me! And after the week I've had trying to get my wireless laptop back in shape...this stuff makes me scream! So best of luck to you with all of it.
LOVE your new "look" here since I last visited....looks great!
Anonymous said…
I'm in Firefox, Utenzi, so I couldn't see the drop down... but I'm sure it's a lovely list! Hope you've been well. It feels good to be back in the loop again. Have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
I also use Firefox (makes you wonder just who is using IE these days...poor Microsoft!) and I can't see your dropdowns. I've had some weird little html issues with firefox as well, but if this is a java script, I can't tell you why it's not working. Have you contacted blogger's help guys yet? I've found that they are worthless, but you can get answers on the blog forums.

Here via Michele

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