Politics on the Left

My tenant this week from Blog Explosion is Megan. Her blog is named C'est Moi...C'est The Anti-Right and despite the French title, she's from the US and works in marketing. LOL I know, that's almost as bad as being from France! However she's got a very interesting blog and that's why I rented her some of my real estate.

Megan's blog has a slant towards the political left which I share. Her current post relates to gasoline and oil prices and private enterprise. Megan shows her depth here by not having a liberal kneejerk reaction of wanting to restrict oil company profits but rather takes the mature and measured attitude of blaming prices on the real culprits. Us. People that are using too much oil--which basicly is me and you. Oh, and she tosses some blame at the Bush administration but they have broad shoulders--they can handle some blame.

Other recent posts relate to the EPA, the Bush Administration and their attitude towards responsibility, Megan's changing her blog's name from Lesbiencestmoi to C'est Moi, and even human rights. So go on over and see if Megan's got something you're interested in.

Other Blogs: Megan wasn't alone in applying for the spot here. I had 12 blogs bid on my spot. Some I discounted right away--commercial blogs that are just selling things don't interest me--but a few of the blogs were quite interesting. Obviously Megan appealed to me the most but the following 5 blogs were close calls and you might give them a visit if you're so inclined.

Paranoia and other Pleasant Things: This is a blog written by Andrea, a psychologist in Romania. The design is simple and clean but very appealing. Since her husband is a web designer, she's got professional help a step away so it's no surprise her blog looks so great.

Andrea blogs about her job, country, family and other subjects that interest her. She's recently changed the header of her blog and she talks about the Photoshopping experience that was involved. This is definitely an interesting blog and well worth a visit.

Kentucky Girl: This is sort of a mommy blog but mom in this case has a lot of attitude. Recent posts related to her husband and her ambivalent feelings about his attitude (that one hit close to home!), a trip to Wal-mart where some fabric was a real steal, results in the Stanley Cup, changing job status and the upcoming Blogher. By the way, this is one very pretty blog!

North West Outdoor Grrl: I didn't relate as strongly to this blog but I don't know why. The woman that runs the blog is into sports--particularly bicycling and hiking with a lot of motorcycling tossed in also. For some odd reason she likes cats--and there's information about food and wine. You'd think I'd love this blog. I'm sure that these topics will be of interest to many others so go visit if you're sharing her interests.

There were also 2 photoblogs and both are ones I often visit and really like a lot. The only difficulty is that a lot of people aren't interested in blogs of just pictures so I didn't want to have one as a tenant. But if you like pictures--obviously I do since I have a photoblog of my own--these are both well worth a visit.




Utenzi, I had to thank you for (1) choosing to feature my blog here and (2) for adding such a wonderful and honest review of my blog. You clearly spent some time getting familiar with it and I so appreciate that. I think very highly of your blog and have added it to my "Not To Be Missed" section.

I will be fighting for this space often. Thank you again.

Anonymous said…
Seeing who I lost to and who the other bidders were makes me actually all warm and fuzzy instead of bitter - I had good company and Megan is somebody I don't mind losing to, because I like her. I think I'll fight for this space again too :)
Robin said…
I was so confused when the outdoor blog came up when I clicked your name (from Michele's)...so I went there and commented, but came here to see what was up and say Hello! Hope you are having a gorgeous weekend like we are here...doesn't get much better than this! I love your pics, and wish that I understood how to use cameras that could get the same results. I have an old Minolta (1977, I think) but am too afraid (and too unlearned!) to try it. Ahhh adult education...
Anonymous said…
I can see your point. Thanks for the link back =)

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