new design coming

I'm going to revamp the design here again. Here's a couple of possibilities for a header. One is going towards research, the other nature. Of course there'd be supporting graphics like the one below, on the left, in the body of the blog--that is, I'd create a theme consistant with the header.

What do you prefer?

The picture on top was of a hornet visiting me while I was reading on my back deck earlier this week. The metal you see is the chair I was on and the blue is my jeans. The picture below I took today while Tach, the fellow I work with, was slicing some tissue for LCM work we'll be doing next week. The metal objects on the dry ice are tumor sections that have been embedded in OCT to allow us to make very thin slices--sections--with a microtome. We then use those sections, mounted on slides, to isolate individual cells so that we can remove the RNA for microarray experiments. Science is so thrilling.


kenju said…
I prefer the hornet because there is color in the pic.
Lois Lane said…
I think your new nickname is going to be Cap'n Chango. Yup, that's it. :P
Lois Lane
Spock said…
NO!!!!! You MUST leave the kitty!!!
Thumper said…
I like the one with the hornet. Mostly because it has blue in it, and it's such a pretty shade of blue.
Anonymous said…
I prefer the one with the hornet in it! Both are very cool pictures though and I look forward to seeing the new, new look!
Liz said…
I think I like the hornet one better.
The Hornet would be my choice because it is nature, and has broader coverage, including science...That would be my vote...
I'm here from Michele my dear Dave, and when I clicked on your name it took me to some other blog that I was unfamiliar with and couldn't leave a comment, I got to you in a very special way--My Blogroll! (lol)
Michelle said…
Science does it for me, gimme a test group, control group, and a double blind thrown in!!
I like the research, looks like you and i are in the minority :(
Paste said…
I don't mind but its very difficult to read the posts through all these - what are they footprints, raindrops???

Here from Michele's today.
Paste said…
Back again from Michele's and all clear this time, must have been my browser?
Juggling Mother said…
I like both - I know that's not very helpful;-) ummm, maybe the sciency one a little better, because it's different to anything else I've seen.

here from micheles today, although I am tryig to catch up on my blog visits!
I looked at the two pictures again and I really really love that first has so many interesting colors and shapes and I like that there are two living things in it..The Hornet & You!
The other is a very interesting photograph too, but doesn't have any "life" in it, for me...
Here from Michele again, my dear Rick...(I'm following you...)
Anonymous said…
I prefer the hornet. ;-) Although it does remind me of George Shinn once having the Charlotte Hornets here and that wasn't such a happy thing...well until we kicked him out town. ;-)
barbie2be said…
i vote for the hornet. :)

michele sent me today.
Anonymous said…
I'm going against majority here but I like the second. I think what it is is more clear. The hornet was clear but not what was going on. You don't have a hornet in your helmet but the analyticalness of your mind is brought through in the second image.

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