more headers coming

I'm in a Photoshop mood today so I think I'll be making a few more headers and footers for the blog. Here's the first one I've done...

This is the photo I started this set with.

I extracted two elements from this picture--taken on my back deck a few days ago--and used them to create a new header. The elements, as can be seen below, are the main bloom and one of the buds.

I used the magnetic tracing tool to carve out these items and then copied them into new files which I then resized so that they'd fit my template. After that was done I was ready to move the various elements onto the template and then add my "utenzi blog" title.

It looked a little plain so I then added stylized butterflies. A little too cute, I admit, but that's the mood I was in when I did this. Maybe a defense mechanism to cope with all this damn itching!

Click them to see the larger image. You know the drill...

Next I think I'll do a more sinister one, with the picture of the grackle below as a starting point. I doubt I'll use either of these header-footer sets but it's nice to have a few extra lying around just in case you feel like putting them up sometime.


Anonymous said…
Hi, Utenzi! Visiting from Michele's this morning. LOVE the headers - you do some incredible work! Hope the itch is clearing up!
Karen said…
Oh, man. I SO have Photoshop envy! I must get that program. Everyone has it and there are such cool things to do with it! Love what you did!

Michele sent me back today!
Theo said…
delightful work. thanks for sharing.

Michele sent me.
Ciera said…
I don't know how you do what you do with this...but I'm impressed!
David Edward said…
here from michele and I have no photo shop skills
Michelle said…
Love the yellow it's so fresh :o)
You are a Wizard with PhotShop!!! That Yellow Header is GORGEOUS!!!! So sharp and delicate and well....BEAUTIFUL!
cool photoshop work. My mom would love it since her name is Pansy. Oh man, poison ivy/oak sucks. Chamomile and Beer works. Have your girlfriend rub the chamomile on the rash while you drink the beers.

Michele sent me
craziequeen said…
I have some ideas for new headers, but I can't get the templated title whatever I put into my header has the original blog title stamped across the front....... :-(

I'll get there.....

I love what you do with your designs :-) The yellow ones are absolutely fabulous!

Michele sent me

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