
I love Dynamic Drive. They're a site that posts snippets of DHTML and CSS code to enable web pages to do various things. As you can tell by my title, my interest today is menus.

My tenant this week, Andrea of Paranoia and other Pleasant Things has a very pretty menu system and it's based on code from Dynamic Drive. Their Switch Menu, in fact. I'm not sure which version though--there's two of them.

The reason I'm posting on this subject today is that they just posted a new system today and it's really neat. Go take a look if you're interested. I doubt I'll implement this new menu system, but I do admire it quite a bit. By the end of the month I hope to implement the Switch Menu but only if I scoot over to Wordpress. I don't think I'd bother with it if I stay here at Blogger.


Well, my dear Utenzi...I see you now read Chinese! I went over to that site you mentioned and didn't understand one word! (lol)..I don't speak Chinese, or in this case whatever it is they are speaking! WOW! These things are all so complicated!!! How do you do it, my dear?

I'm here from Michele today...I went over to see what was happening and there you were! Hope you are having a good Monday.
Anonymous said…
I'm with OOLOTH... I always want to learn how to do all this webpage stuff, but then I look at the tutorial type websites and they SCARE me so!!

I do love your header though, that cracked me up ;)

Here from Michele's today.
Dak-Ind said…
wow... i always felt computer literate... until now.

michele sent me.

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