go see someone else

Here's a plug for two other blogs.

Lois over at Homefires has a GREAT post today. Funny as Hell. She describes how she tortures a paranoid neighbor, but I'll let her tell the story. Go give her a read.

Also, if you're into chick lit, Erin over at Pupsickle is posting on that subject today!


GPV said…
I like the looks of that; the green
is very relaxing, so I clicked all over on your playground and I triped over a serious problem, something vital for my well-being and humanity's survival:

What's your girlfriend's drink?
utenzi said…
Hey! Long time, no see, GPV. It's great to have you back. I think the drink was some kind of variation on a margarita but I'll have to ask her to be sure.
Mr. Guesa said…
Keep crushing me in BOTB...I'm cool with it...jerk...HAHA...nice to see the credit wager's went up finally so I can lose more at a time.
utenzi said…
Okay, Okay. I'll give it a rest. I'm just curious how the new blog-look will test out on Blog Explosion and...okay, I'm a point whore too. I just wish there was something I could do with the damn points.
Anonymous said…
I love the new look!!!

Right to go visit your recommendations...
Anonymous said…
Oh site plugs are fun..
Over from the other Michele's
Anonymous said…
I like the new look, you are very talented!
here from Micheles :)
carmilevy said…
Whatever template you use, I'll still visit, read and comment.

I do like the colors in this one. I can see the palette evolving nicely. It makes a welcoming site even more so.
Rene said…
Here from Michele's today.

I like the picture. But then, I'm a patsy for lilies. Stargazers are my favorites. I also love daylillies.
Lois Lane said…
Thanks for the shout out home fry. ;) I think it's very cool how you can do all this cap'n chango stuff. New look is great and springy. Have a groovy weekend!
Anonymous said…
Hey Happy Friday, Dave! :) Looks like you are well on your way to a new look.

Careful, blog changes are terribly addictive. I already want to change mine into a flash-based blog, now! ...And I only changed mine a couple of months ago!

We'll see...
Nic said…
Extremely nice template!

Your blog renter looks like a real sweet girl - wide-eyed, friendly and innocent. That's a hard find in today's world. LOL!

I agree with the Lois shoutout - she's one of my very favoritist of blogfriends!

Hi from Michele's.
carmilevy said…
Anyone you recommend is definitely worth a visit or two...or three, or...

You have exquisite taste in blog-reads.

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