next generation

Here's the next version of my blog template that I've been working on tonight. I suspect that almost everyone will like it better.

Personally I like that cutting quality of Barney's picture--especially with his ears flopping up like that but I suppose I shouldn't have erased his eyes like that. It was a spooky effect!

On this version having the sleeping cat on my leg makes for a more dreamy and softer affect. Annoying as that damn cat is, he is cute. The color scheme is similar and this time the graphics should line up better...


carmilevy said…
I kind of liked the freaky eyes. But the new pic works more effectively to achieve your desired effect. You're right: it's a softer perspective.

Nicely done.
Spock said…
Oh, Oh, the kitty for sure!!
Lois Lane said…
Look at you template twister! This is what happens when I am MIA a couple of days huh? You are right about the cat version. I wish I had the talent you have to do something different on mine. BTW, save the flash stuff for the days you wear your raincoat. :P
Lois Lane
WendyWings said…
Have to say I prefer the cat over the dog :)
Nice colour scheme overall for you though.

michele sent me today.
Anonymous said…
Well, it (new template) is a step to right direction...
Marie said…
Cool, I like the hellhound template.
Diane Mandy said…
I'm in the minority. I like this template. It rocks!
Spock said…
(Awestruck voice with glassy eyes)
Oh, it is sssooo PURRTY! It's PURRFECT! Don't change a thing.....
Michelle said…
Absolutely love the new template, absolutely hate the new colors...looks like baby pooh!!
Anonymous said…
nice change.

Kimberly said…
Very cool. i love it:)
kenju said…
As much as I love dogs, the cat photo is a much better one for the blog. The dog looked menacing, and that doesn't reflect your blog personality at all. You are a pussycat, aren't you?
utenzi said…
Teresa, you're being so tolerant today. Is this a New Year's Resolution or something? I'm going to play around with the colors and maybe try a different font but I have no idea what I'll end up with.

Diane and Marie, I liked my Barney template also but it was never really meant to be seen on the Web. The dog just is too unusual looking for wide consumption. At least in the guise I had him in. He's not that unusual looking in real life. But very enthusiastic!

Lois, it just goes to show that you should never ever disappear! But I know you had a good reason and I suspect that had something to do with a visit from someone!
Anonymous said…
Yay! Good job on the CSS and blog layout Dave!

Have fun with the finishing touches... You're doing great!
utenzi said…
Thanks, Oreo. You're a cat with a keen eye for design. LOL

Michelle, I suspect you were looking at this when I had a different background color and that one was pretty poo-like but even the current one has a bit of that baby slime-poo color to it. The blog is a work in progress...
Anonymous said…
I love the new design Dave!! It is unique and interesting, and I adore it. Much much better than the old one :) I'm glad you changed from the Hellhound to a cute lil kitty cat :D

Great job!!
Anonymous said…
wow, great new look!
Thumper said…

I like it :)
Lish said…
Hi Utenzi! Long time no see. Wow! I like the new blog design.
Lisa said…
its much less scary than the dog. :-) Very cute!!!
Lora said…
I like it!
carmilevy said…
And the ages-old battle between cats and dogs continues.

Score one for the gato. This time.
Anonymous said…
the top header image scored major in me.
it's really really cute! *purr*

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