holiday update

I'm not having much luck at uploading pictures today. I'm at my parent's house and that means dial-up connection. *shudder*

I was out on the lake twice today kayaking but my shoulders felt like hamburger so I didn't get much speed. I hate it when the body doesn't cooperate! The first time I went out it was at 7am and mostly for pictures. The second time was at 1pm and that was for distance and sans camera.

I head to GA and my brother's house tomorrow morning from here at 6am for a 8am Christmas morning rendezvous there. My parents left this morning but there's not room enough for all of us --sound familiar? no room at the inn?-- so I'm joining them in the morning. The traditional everyone-going-to-church on Christmas Eve had nothing to do with my decision.

Well, maybe a little!

I hope y'all have a great holiday celebration whether it be Xmas, Hanukkah, Yule or one of the other ones. Mozel tov.


Anonymous said…
One day a year and you don't want to join in? Tsk... tsk...

I received four separate invitations to attend services tonight. I can't do it, but if I could have fit it into the schedule I'd have gone to one of them.

At least you'll all be together tomorrow...
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas Utenzi!

I have to use dial-up from home as well - I feel your pain!
utenzi said…
Church is just too damn depressing, Teresa. The entire misogyny scene is so old fashioned.

Ditsy Chick, oh that's horrible. I switched over to Road Runner 9 months ago and can't imagine suffering dial-up ever again. Those were nasty times! LOL
Anonymous said…
Here's wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas! You know I can't wait to see your pictures.
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas, take ton's of photos :o)
Anonymous said…
Isn't it the worst when you have experienced the magic of high-speed internet access and then you have to use the lowly dial-up?!

Happy holidays to you, too!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see the photos. Michele sent me.

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