exploding blogs?

Many of you already know about Blog Explosion but for those of you that don't, here's a little explanation of the place.

The website Blog Explosion has several functions. Primarily for the blogger it's a way to increase traffic to your blog and presumably increase your readership and the general awareness of your web presence.

This is done in several ways. The main thing I do is play "Battle of the Blogs" which is a head-to-head match up between blogs in which 15 other people vote on which blog they like best. Both blogs put up points, which have previously been earned by voting for other blogs, and the winner of the battle receives 75% of the pot, with the remaining 25% split amongst the 15 voters.

All of this is free in terms of cash though of course like anything in the blogging world there's a lot of time involved. The downside is that most of the people viewing your blog are just clicking in for a quick look and never bother to comment. There's exceptions but I'd say only one in about 30 sticks around for long. Maybe 1 in 50. On the other hand you do get 100s more hits a day and you get to see blogs you'd probably never encounter otherwise. All-in-all, I really enjoy the site and visit almost every day. Okay, okay. I'm addicted and visit every single day for hours. I need an intervention!

You can also buy ad space on there using those free credits as well as play other games like scratch off lottery style games--and of course you can rent space on your blog to other members of Blog Explosion to earn more credits or buy space on blogs to use those credits up. Fun, fun, fun.

Give it a try--what can you lose?


Anonymous said…
Friggin' auto correct got me on Shepherd. Today that setting will be murdered! It caught me on something once for work and the stupid newspaper printed the mistake. Nice job sleeping editor jerk. LOL!
Blog explosion, never been to that site.
Yesterday I had over 200 hits and only 34 of those people left a comment. I guess they just don't have anything to add? Maybe they aren't actually reading? I don't know.
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
I signed up for blog explosion, but never went back I need to do it but just never seem to have the time. I love your kayaking pics..I do that too..include my kayak in the pics. Love it. working with phyllo is not too hard...just keep your hands dry until you need to wet the dough to stick it shut...and keep damp papertowels out. Not wet..but damp. good luck. hope it all turns out good I haven't had a good baklava since I left Idaho 13 years ago..how weird is that? Stacie
Anonymous said…
LOL! And intervention Utenzi? Aww heck! It's fun, so why not! ;-)

By the way, I'm one of those guilty of not commenting while voting. But since I already read your site, it doesn't take me long. Since I already think you're fabulous, I almost always vote for you! OK, I always vote for you, but you really are the blog of choice too!

Anonymous said…
I saw this somewhere and wondered about it....this is becoming a full time occupation, been positng, reading postings, promoting my blog, I barely have time for my real work.
Anonymous said…
I wish I could get away with it during work hours...but big brother **is** watching. I probabaly do too much already --which isn't much at all. :-(
Anonymous said…
I've registered at Blog Explosion, but just haven't had time to check out the features. I might just have to do that now that I know what its all about.

I love the kayak pics!
utenzi said…
I know big brother is watching you, Diane. I'm lucky where I work--I do a lot of browsing.

Ditsy Chick, I totally agree with you. I need that intervention BAD!

3T, you are so SWEET! And thanks for the votes too.

Stacie, a fellow kayaker. Gotta love that sport. Even in the middle of winter--at least here in NC--it's fun. Thanks for the suggestion about dry hands. I didn't know that.

Lois, sheppard is fine. It's a legit spelling, just not the original one. I LOVE Blog Explosion but do need to spend less time there. As for your lack of comments from many of your visitors--they probably realize how perfect your posts are and just read in awe...and then go away.
utenzi said…
Lisa, I hope you have as much fun there as I do--but have a better sense of moderation. It's addictive for me to play Battle of Blogs.
Anonymous said…
I wish I had more time to play! ...I'm lucky to be able to make time to write in my blog, and visit a few of my favourites, like yours :)
Anonymous said…
I think we should form a support group blog for those of us who love to battle. It is addicting.

I have discoverd many new blogs and better yet met some great people at BE.

"Hi, my name is Eric and I am here because I Blog Battle and can't stop."

"Hi Eric, welcome....."

I can hear it now. Utenzi you were so honest. How many of us would admit that it we average 10,000 clicks a day on a BE???

Anonymous said…
Utenzi: I've only heard about this a week ago. I read Lois' comments whom I feel I know and trust. I'll think i over and get some more input. Cool.
utenzi said…
Michael, Lois is great. I try to tell her that frequently--and it has nothing to do with those great arms of hers. Well, not everything, at least.

Eric, you're so right. Far too addicting for me, I'm afraid. I must do at least 8 battles a day on there--often more.

Tanya, given how much work you do and then all that time motorcycling, I'm very happy that you visit me. So when do we see you in that new leather jacket? We need pictures!
Anonymous said…
Hey, I'm hear from Michele's!

I love BE, unfortunately I'm also one of those who doesn't comment too much when I'm surfing blogs and don't usually stay longer than the 30 seconds. But when one catches my eye I'm usually hooked!

As far as Battle, I'm just too terrified of judgement to try it!!
Anonymous said…
I'm signed up there too, but I haven't done anything with it. Too confusing for me and time consuming. Although I am blog consumed in other ways. I'm just a low tech person in wolf's clothing.
Anonymous said…
I'm afraid to do any more battle of the blogs. I've lost too many battles, and now I'm listed in the bottom 50 blogs. It's humiliating! Despite that, I still like my blog, and it's growing. I just don't think people on BE like it.
Anonymous said…
Hello! Michele sent me and WOW I love it here! the pics are GREAT!
Hope you have a Fun weekend!

Anonymous said…
Lose? How about my mind???? (LOL)
I know you were by earlier so you know I'm overwhelmed with blogging now...so, Blog Explosion will have to wait because I cannot handle an more addiction/obsession than I've got right now. Help!!! I loved your Intervention line..lol...
I'm here from Michele, tonight..but nodoubt would have come by anyway, you know?
Anonymous said…
What can I lose??? How about more hours, which I cannot give to blogging. I spend way too much time at it now!
Anonymous said…
P.S. Michele sent me tonight.
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me tonight. I'm sort of embarrassed that anyone even reads my blog, let alone promote it.
Anonymous said…
I actually don't find blog explosion to be that worthwhile because you just keep seeing the same sites over and over again. But I've used it when I'm trying to keep my stats high on a weekend when it's blah and boring in blogland. Otherwise, my stats are high enough on their own to keep me satisfied.

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
I had to have an intervention. I was totally addicted to blogging. Now, I'm trying to find a balance, but I haven't accomplished much tonight away from the computer.
Anonymous said…
i have heard of it but never visited the site because i didnt know what it really was. But i will visit soon!

sent by michele
Anonymous said…
greetings! michele sent me today.
i used blog explosion in the past, and although i still link to it, i dont actually use it anymore. i find that to get any amount of traffic you really have to sit down and click click click thru other peoples, and honestly, if that is all you are doing, then that is probably all other people are doing to your site! i love michele's idea so much better, of the meet and greet. i get to meet people who i enjoy in a relaxed atmosphere, and people meet us, too! she's awesome.
Anonymous said…
Hi There...
Michele just sewnt me here once again....(Love these visits, don't you?) And as I said earlier, Blog Explosion will have to wait for a bit....I honestly don't think I want that much traffic...Am I crazy???? Well...Of Course I Am!!!(lol)
Anonymous said…
ok, ok, I went & signed up!!
Anonymous said…
I think I do better by visiting Michele's, blog-hopping and doing things like Thursday 13, and leaving comments everywhere I go.

The nice thing about blog explosion is finding new blogs, the bad thing, I click thru 'cuz I am BUSY!
Anonymous said…
Thanks, I always learn something new at your place!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog...and Yes wife already got me to sign up over there maybe you will have better luck against me when i start in on the Battle
Anonymous said…
You're just butterin' my bunz aren't cha? ;)
I don't mind the lack of comments. I just hope to make the passersby laugh at my sorry azz.
Lois Lane
utenzi said…
Waitress? I'll have the Lois buns--butter on the side in case it's needed.
Anonymous said…
sounds cool
might try it...

Michelle sent me
Anonymous said…
I've saved that little lot. God knows I need all the help I can get. Sometimes I feel I'm writing to myself, which isn't much of an incentive, particularly if once a post is complete it looks good. Then again when it looks crappy it can also be a relief.
Anonymous said…
That actually seems kind of cool, though unfortunately time consuming. My wife complains about the little time I dedicate to blogging as it is.

Thanks for the tip. (Here from Michele's)

Anonymous said…
Oh no..I am definitely not going over to Blog Explosion. I spend too many damn hours on the computer anyway. But i like visiting you, Utenzi. Especially when Michele sends me.
Anonymous said…
I signed up. What the hell. It's not like I was gonna do the laundry today, anyway, lol.
Anonymous said…
Before I went on BE, I never actually read other blogs or knew anything about blogging.

Haven't done the battle of the blogs, or even surfed in a long while, because I met so many people in the first month or two

Because so many people seemed to like my blog, I had it designed, and I hate to say this but blogging really has me obsessed and it's all BE's fault ;-)
utenzi said…
Tara, that's the spirit! I'm just finishing up a battle with Snoopfromlaw but I'll start another one soon after...

Pia, I know the feeling. I spend way too much time doing this and that's not going to change soon...
Anonymous said…
I joined but I don't really have time to hang out there, so I guess I won't really benefit, right? Just keeping up with my favorite blogs is work! (Visiting via michele today)
Anonymous said…
I did Blog Explosion once upon a time. It did generate some traffic for me, but I find I like the folk from Michele's comments better. ;) Oh yeah, she sent me here today.
Anonymous said…
Just what I need: An excuse to spend ANOTHER 6 hours at the computer.
Anonymous said…
I don't surf as much but I do rent out my blog and visa versa. Nice to see you! :)

Here via Michele today.
Anonymous said…
I am afraid of rejection but might check it out.

Here via Michele today.
Anonymous said…
hello utenzi! Thanks for dropping by on my blog! I also see you most of the time at BOTB. I spend most of my time on SB as being a member of the SBHOF
Anonymous said…
Hi there - interesting idea and we're all for directing more people to out site. Sharing the pain so to speak.

Michele sent me today!
Anonymous said…
Hm...I comment when I feel like commenting. :)

I'm on Blog Explosion, but I haven't done anything with it.
Anonymous said…
I've had a go with Blogexplosion and will take another look based upon your comments.

When I tried it the last time I seemed to get diverted to all kinds of sites selling endless tractor parts and similar, interspersed with Spanish language sites and a few surprisingly immodest ones.

That was quite a long time ago and I kind of abandoned the idea. However, I shall re-take the challenge.

Here today sort of via Michele.

Anonymous said…
Here from Michele's place
Never heard of Blogexplosion but I think I'll check it out.
me said…
Pretty sure I have signed up with BE, have to investigate features properly yet though.
Here from Michele's today. :-)
Anonymous said…
I think it's all to do with how nuch time we have. I would love to be able visit more blogs than I do.
Anonymous said…
BTW...Michele sent me.
me said…
I am only one handed in the short term...holding baby in other one. :-)

Thanks for visiting my blog. :-)
Anonymous said…
I may join blog explosion, and if I do I will come back here and join from your site. You get credit for that or something don't you?
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi,
Don't get started on BlogExplosion Shoutbox (message board) I am trying to stay away. Too much, man.
So how are you? I'm here all on my own. No one sent me. How about that? Am I crazy, it is 1234 am and I ought to be alseep by now. Anyways, gotta go, apparently.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tip!

Here from Michele's tonight. Have a good one!

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