3T and me

Today is the last full day that Teri of Stumbling through Life with Grace will be with my blog. It's been nice seeing her well designed blog over there on my right border.

She started off the week a mite quietly --probably because she hurt her back a few days ago-- but she's had several posts in the past few days as well as a really lovely holiday theme added on. It's a switchable CSS so if you head over there to see it, you might have to manually switch the skin to her "Jingle Bells" theme. Believe me, it's worth it.

In fact, her post from yesterday was about the person who designed the skin, Rachel from Web Divas. On Wednesday Teri wrote an amusing post on the reality TV show Wife Swap. Apparently you can make money ($1,000) by recruiting a family to be on there (and the family gets $20,000) so Teri was sending out a plea for a family interested in being on the show. If that's you--give her a visit!

If you go over and visit her, please wish her a speedy recovery for her back. I know how much those things hurt!


Anonymous said…
You are so good to your renter. I have a herniated disc in my back and nothing about back pain is fun.
Anonymous said…
Backs are the worst. My husband has had two back surgeries (and he's only 45). I'm going to go visit your renter now . . .

Michele sent me today!
Anonymous said…
mission accomplished, captain! :)
Anonymous said…
I'll have to check her out....bad backs are bad stuff!!

Here via Michele's....I snuck in...hee hee...I'm suppose to be decorating the house....I have the guys working!! LOL I was going through blog withdrawal, do you blame me?! ;)
Anonymous said…
Hope she gets better real soon.

Michele sent me here.
Anonymous said…
oooo, £20k? I always wondered how they got people to humiliate themselves on tv like that!

i'm off to check her out now

Here from Micheles today
Anonymous said…
Your sidebar is displaying at the bottom of your blog in IE...

Just FYI :P
utenzi said…
Ditsy, that's so nice of you to say. Personally I think I'm doing just what I should be for a client. Even though I can't use the points on BE in any meaningful way, I am agreeing to promote the person that hires me and my blog.

Anita, I've never had to have surgery but I have a curved spine so problems do occur every so often. Your husband obviously has things a lot worse than I do.

Ribbiticus, thanks!

Yellowrose, thanks and I agree. Now get back to work! LOL

J-L Picard, thanks, Jean-Luc.

Mrs A, dollars not pounds but either way it's hard to imagine it's enough. I hope your husband can get his blog back together.
utenzi said…
Thanks, Glyn. I know about that problem but I've been too lazy to do anything about it. If I used IE I'd have done something but since I usually use Opera with side ventures with Firefox I've managed to put off correcting the design flaw. I probably just have to refrain from using DIV statements.
Anonymous said…
$20k...is not enough to do your reputation that much damage...

michele sent me
Anonymous said…
I know too, about back pain...I've got some very severe, RIGHT NOW!!! H-E-L-P!!!

I will go visit Teri but I wanted to tell you that Michele sent me this afternoon, though I certainly come here on my own, too, I'm happy to say....
Anonymous said…
ooh - I had a bad back for years....I *so* sympathise...

Here from Michele's today, Utenzi :-)

Anonymous said…
Back pain....boy, can I relate. We aren't made to walk upright, you know.

3T is already a regular read for me, and on my blog roll. I hope she feels better soon.

Michele sent me, of course!
Anonymous said…
I'll have to go check your tenant's blog. I'm looking for a new design, and so I'm checking out all the different designs. I know a few people who use web-divas, but I'm still in the "audtion" mode.

visiting from michele's this go round.
Anonymous said…
Ohh, I'd best go visit your friend's website. Thanks so much for signing my guestbook :) Take care and have a good weekend!
Anonymous said…
I love Wife Swap! I'm going over to read the post now!!

Here via michele today...
Anonymous said…
Hey, Utenzi! I'm visiting via Michele. The photos from the lake are great. Have a good weekend!
Anonymous said…
I'm back again

Michele sent me.

Forgot to wish Teri Get Well soon
Anonymous said…
Hello. I just want to say for the record in case anyone is schemeing about this. Our family will not (I repeat NOT) be on wife swap.

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