winter pics

Here's a few pictures of cold winter things from around here. These aren't from this year. Here in Eastern NC we don't get much snow. A few days a year, rarely an accumulation over a couple of inches--and that's the way I like it.

These pictures are from an ice storm 3 years ago--and I hope we don't get one this year!

This scene is just outside of where I work. At the time I was working with a cell line I couldn't replace so I had to walk into work since I couldn't drive. At the time I lived just a few miles away. Now I live 14 miles away and would just let those poor cells go to heaven. :-)

This picture is taken next to the Bell Tower, a landmark on the UNC campus. I liked the way the red berries looked encased in the ice. Purty!

This is another landmark on the UNC campus. The Old Well. Now it's just a drinking fountain and a place for the kids to take each other's pictures.

I really don't like snow--but it is pretty.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for coming Utenzi. I love those pics! I hate the snow too...gets my paws cold & wet! HAHAHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
I wish you wouldn't rush winter, my dear! I'm not looking forward to it.

But they are good pictures!
Anonymous said…
I can't believe the comment you left on my blog - - - what is up with that???
Now I have to have a aprental guidance warning on my site, and probably a lawyer in residence in case I get sued,
weel it DID make me laugh.
Anonymous said…
That's the kind of snow I like: In pictures.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures! It's hard to think about how much I also hate snow looking at those.
Lois Lane
utenzi said…
David, I don't think the comments are actionable but they are quite frank. But hair can be a serious topic!

GPV, we're on the same page there. It's pretty and best left to pictures.

Lois, Thanks! I owe you a letter and I've been very slow to write it. Sorry!
Anonymous said…
My goodness, that second photo is beautiful...the colors are gorgeous
Anonymous said…
i hate snow.. i hope it stays away this year(who am i kidding, i live in canada) makes for some pretty pictures though. here from micheles. have a nice weekend!
Anonymous said…
Nice pictures... Sorry I skipped you at Michele's. Our comments posted at the same time, so I didn't see you!
Anonymous said…
love the pics, winter and snow! especially the frozen berries.

here via michele again today. :)
Anonymous said…
Wow those pics are beautiful.I live in Florida now (hurricane alley) but am originally from NYC. And our snow never looked like that. And I'm here from Michele's tonight.
Anonymous said…
Those are gorgeous.
Anonymous said…
Lovely photos. Last year, several readers who don't get snow begged me to post snow photos and I did. :)

I'm redoing my blog, so most photos are currently gone, except the header and comment photos, but they will be back. I'm enjoying your blog and putting it in my favorites. :)

(This is same person as Green-Eyed Lady. I have 2 blogs.)
SilverMoon aka Green-Eyed Lady

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