intelligent design

Two of the guys in the lab that I work with joke around a lot. The other day, while pretending to do a muscle builder's flex, one of them said: This body is no accident! Whereupon the other fellow quipped: You mean you did THAT on purpose!???

That reminded me of the buttons that I've been seeing on some science oriented websites.

It's the same type of caustic humor and at least to me, kinda funny. I like that 'in your face' humor.

Of course the point they're trying to make, and not very subtly, is that the theory of Intelligent Design insinuates a perfect creation and such a thing doesn't explain mistakes very well. Mutations, speciation, oddly designed body parts, extinction--they all fit poorly with the ID approach.

So, just how amusing do you find your own design? Personally, my wry amusement is usually centered around my leg to arm ratio. All my life I've had heavily muscled legs and butt. My arms and chest would embarrass a sparrow. Bad design, I tell you! So give it up--what's your odd feature?


Anonymous said…
Mine is ghetto booty. I have enough ass for two girls.
utenzi said…
And where is it that you live? Just curious....
Anonymous said…

I have the opposite problem. I have ZERO booty. Bleh.
utenzi said…
But what an adorable face!
Anonymous said…
Ghetto booty AND big bones! I was built like a linebacker bone wise! Thank goodness my figure says otherwise :P
Anonymous said…
I'm a little on the short side (5'1"). And I have frizzy hair. Nobody would have given me frizzy hair on purpose, I'm sure. That's just cruel.
Anonymous said…
Good morning Utenzi. Although I know personally several people who, weather we're talking body OR intelligence, could have evolved from apes, I will not be swayed! Yep, 6000 years. Anyway, thanks for the very sweet comment! Perfect? Not!! You just like short girls so you can put your Dr. Pepper on their heads?!?!
Anonymous said…
Hey, I may not be perfect but I'll always have something laughable when alone.
Anonymous said…
Sparrow eh? LOL!
I'll go with the long waist as one of my oddities. Is your butt supposed to start in the middle of your back and end at the bends of your knees? hmmm...
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
My digestive system needs to be condemned
Anonymous said…
Hmm... Being a long-time figure skater (years of it as a kid) my thighs have become muscular, and now that I row, the muscle memory has come back. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so muscular, I guess.
Anonymous said…
One leg is 1/2 inch shorter than the other... only noticable to me becuause of a persistent aching hip. And no, my parents didn't name me Eilene.
Anonymous said…
Every dentist gets confused looking at my x-rays. I only got one set of teeth for most of my mouth. Few adult teeth grew in my jaw, and where they did, they made 2 or 3 rows deep instead of pushing the others out. Braces helped.
Anonymous said…

I once had a friend say that my figure reminded her of a ketchup bottle. Hardly a flattering comment. I wasn't even wearing red at the time either.

I have a GREAT smile though :-D
Anonymous said…
My legs are on crooked. The doc told my mom if I had been in the womb much longer I might have been club footed. My toes turned in badly as a child. I walk straight now, but my knees are in the wrong place.
Anonymous said…
At the risk of making a fool of myself globally, my boobs would have to the oddest feature! Lets just say you'd need mighty big hands LOL!
Anonymous said…
My toenails slope downwards... they're weird. :o)
Anonymous said…
hmmm, i fear few wimmen love EVERYTHING bout their own bods.. we were all raised with Barbies and Playmates as the supposed 'norm'.

I've always been physical so even aging hasnt changed the foundation much, pretty muscular.. if i had a gripe it'd be that i'm top heavy for perfect horsemanship; back in the showring days it took 2 bras and occasionally an Ace bandage to hold them puppies perfectly still, hehe. on the other hand, that forward balcony kinda balances out the masculine looking arms and shoulders, overall when my bod FEELS good, i dont really care much what it looks like.. at least not anymore. my bikini days are over, and Hef quit lookin for me about 20 years ago, hahahahaaa
Anonymous said…
Does the scientific community consider this a real "theory"? It doesn't seem to be based on any evidence, but rather on religious dogma and a need to find "proof" for it via something acceptable such as a scientific "theory".

I'm hesitant to give them credibility by calling it a theory. But I'm not a scientist.
utenzi said…
Lisa, LOL. No, not in general. It's faith dressed up in technical language.

Maggie, Heffner is nuts. Muscle is good.

Michelle, we need to talk. LOL That goes for Yaeli also--I think she has the same problem!
Anonymous said…
Hey why not write something new before battling me again. I think beating me four times in two days with the same post is enough...

Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting about it... I was just frustrated is all :D I have climbed remarkably in the ranks of late, so I can't really complain.

Your pictures are awesome, especially the misty ones. You are likely right. Voting for creds and browsing likely only produces a small handful of actual readers, though it pads the stats nicely :D
Anonymous said…
intelligent design. what a concept.

I'd have to go with my head. I swear I look like an alien. Of course, that could just be my own perception - perfection is in the eye of the beholder.
Anonymous said…
My oddist feature would have to be my body frame. I'm only 5'6", but I could have been a linebacker. I also wear size 11 shoes.
utenzi said…
Glyn, I was bad. Very bad. I'll try to behave from now on.

Kissing Bandit, I don't know about the alien thing. I do know that those lips on your blog are one of the best graphics I've seen! Are they yours? If so I do like the species of alien that you are. :-)

Lora, I'd never have guessed that from the picture of you I've seen on your blog. Those are some SERIOUS feet. I think my gf wears size 5 and she's only 2 inches shorter than you. Of course I'm always amazed she can balance on those little things...
Anonymous said…
Not answering your question, but...

Of course the point they're trying to make, and not very subtly, is that the theory of Intelligent Design insinuates a perfect creation and such a thing doesn't explain mistakes very well.

Galileo Galilei saw the imperfection in the universe (phases of Venus, moons of Jupiter, rings of Saturn, sunspots, craters on the Moon) and decided this meant that the universe didn't need to have the Earth put perfectly in the center with everything revolving around it. For that he was sentenced to life imprisonment and it wasn't until the 1992 that Pope John Paul II apolgized for Galileo's fate.

As I understand it, Galileo did believe in God (as did Darwin, the IDers are quick to point out), he just had a different picture of His universe than the Church.

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