
My girlfriend passed a geek quiz on to me on Friday. It's a test of geekiness--duh!. She only scored 11% because despite being in computers she's not very geeky. I scored 33.136% which qualifies me for " +++ Total Geek" but there's still 5 levels above (below?) that.

Give it a try and see how you do. Discover the inner (or maybe outer) geek in you!

Here's the background and history of the geek test in case you're overwhelmed with curiousity. Here's an excerpt from that page:

It all started in September of 1999 when I was dating "GrapeApe."
My two geeky roommates at the time were also dating geeks;
we decided that men had to have a thin layer of geekiness to
be worth our time. The next weekend, GrapeApe and I were
enjoying caffeinated beverages at Maxwell's Coffee House
near the University of Toledo where, in his words, he was
"learning how to be an engri-neer". What a geek!


Anonymous said…
Utenzi, I'm not a geek at all,only a poser!
Is that good?

I wanted to let you know that I finally finished my book analysis on Jack London's Sea Wolf. How to get there is on my sideblog. I knew that you wouldn't want to miss that.
Anonymous said…
Oh, Utenzi, yoo hoo, Michele sent me again!!! She's gotta stop doing that.
Anonymous said…
I'm a total geek at 27.81065%! How great is that?!!!

Btw, Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
I scored 19% which is amazing as I don't consider myself very geeky & am completely useless with computers:-)
Anonymous said…
Okay, so what is a yurt and why would I want one? And what's SCA and should I seek membership????

I scored 20.9073* - Geek.

Not as geeky as you. However, some of those things they wanted to know if I can do, I used to be able to do but have forgotten them in my old age...
utenzi said…
SCA is the society for creative anacronism (mispelling there, I'm sure) and it's been big with serious SF fans for generations. Now that they have medieval faires and all I doubt they're as big a force in the SF and fantasy world.

I don't remember a yurt question, Teresa--so it might have a different meaning in that quiz but normally it's a tent like dwelling in Mongolia.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. :) I'm off to take the geek test-- I shudder to think of the results... :D
Anonymous said…
I got 9.664% on the test. Guess that's pretty low, huh?
Anonymous said…
I got 27%.
Anonymous said…
I'll try the test when I get a chance.

Visiting again from Michele's!
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi! I'm here via Michele's this time. I took the Geek test. I'm a 4.9, which classified me as "poser".
Anonymous said…
Maxwell's Coffee house in Toledo is my husband's favorite place - and I'm scared to take the geek test as I'm sure I'm secretly VERY geeky...
Anonymous said…
25% here. Total geek, but I knew that. :-)
Anonymous said…
I am so afraid to take that quiz. Very very afraid. Btw, Michele sent me. Love your place.
Anonymous said…
:-O i'm going to do that right now! I'll be back... ;-)
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi...
I will checkout the Geek test after I comment..Thanks so very much for your very thoughtful comment on my blog....I will be blogging for a v-e-r-y long long time to get in everything that's occurred in my life...and I think that's true for most people...I just sort of jump around wherever...and eventually, msybe, the dots will connect! (lol)
I appreciate your thoughtfullness more than I can say.
Anonymous said…
hmmmm... 29%... a total geek. YAY!
utenzi said…
OOL, you're certainly welcome but I can assure you that I'm not sensitive or thoughtful. The local expert on that, my girlfriend, comments to that effect almost daily. I'll certainly continue to read your posts to see your story unfold.

Danielle, *blush* nice picture there in the surf! LOL Your wedding pictures were really nice. I like your blog--nice mix of gritty elements with day to day life in there too.

Daisyhead, fear can be a good thing. It can keep us away from bad things. ;-)

Lisa, yeah--you didn't seem like a geek.
Anonymous said…
oh MY David... I'm geekier then I thought! 36.69639% seems pretty high for a gal who touched her first 'puter less then 2 years ago, WOW! That was fun, and it did help that I used to live in a yurt and I read a lot; seems many of the author type questions go waaay back for some of the younger geel;ings out here, hahahahaha
I swear I didnt even cheat once; but not being a gamer o interested in TV or SCA mighta cost me a few points.
Anonymous said…
I am not sure that I am a geek ...but a dork? Most definately :)

Here via Michele
Anonymous said…
thats a bloddy long test, but 36.4 and change makes me a major geek. i new that!
Anonymous said…
oh crap, forgot to say michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
27.4 +++ Total Geek


Can I join your club? LOL
Anonymous said…
BTW notice the getup in my pic LOL
Anonymous said…
1) I took the geek quiz. Happy to say that I did not even register on the geek-o-meter.

2) Can't believe you never tried the tape recorder thing. I am quite crafty when need be. =)

3)I like it when you address me as Ms. Plum. It sounds so CLUE'ish. Ms. the wood shed, with a chain saw...Ha!
utenzi said…
Plum Crazy, that's exactly what I was thinking though I had the crime placed in the library. I should have known that was too conventional for you!

Dave, well, I had noticed your outfit on occasion. Yes, indeedy.

Dak-Ind & Maggie, you two are almost tied in Geekiness and both ahead of me. Congrats, maybe.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm, 19.13215% geek. Not bad. Although, I think I consider myself more of a nerd than geek.
Anonymous said…
ROFL- I scored Total Geek, too, although I took a nerd quiz several months ago and scored 93% or some such number. That flipped my "geeky" daughter out who only scored 30% nerd.

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