amazing race

This season is season 8 for this venerable reality TV show. I saw the first season, missed the next few and then started watching it again with season 4. It's the only reality TV show that I watch.

The locations are often amazing--as the name implies--and the teamwork and sometimes lack thereof adds to the drama and sometimes pathos. Perhaps the biggest draw is the challenges that pop up in the race since they're often either something you'd love to do--or something that you'd NEVER want to do.

My two favorite teams have been the mother-daughter team, Nancy & Emily, from the first season and Colin & Christie from the 5th season. Colin was one of the most disliked participants in the series but I thought the way he tackled almost every obstacle with aplomb was impressive.

This season my early favorites were the Linz's (brothers and sister) but after a couple of legs the Gaghan family (mom, dad and two small kids) replaced them. Unfortunately the Gagham's didn't have the staying power to stay in the race and dropped out 2 weeks ago. I really hated to see them go since their family pulled together better than any of the others and they were all so positive. Contrast them to the self proclaimed Christian Family, The Weavers who have a nice son and three females from Hell. Scary, especially since the women keep talking trash about the other teams. Now I'm back to pulling for the Linz family. :-)

Anyone else watching the show? Any opinions on who you want or wanted to win? Feel free to vent complaints also. LOL


Anonymous said…
I've heard about it, but I've never seen it. What do they do?
utenzi said…
They race around the world across something like 13 episodes, each episode requires them to follow a series of clues like a treasure hunt. Usually the last team to complete the tasks is eliminated. The team that lasts to the end wins a million dollars.
Anonymous said…
Of the seasons that I've watched, this is probably my least favorite. While I understand that they have to curtail some of the more exotic locations with the families participating, it's just not as interesting with them basically staying in the US for the most part. I wanted to like the Weavers, but except for the boy, they really aren't very likable and are rather mean-spirited--and they wonder why the other teams don't like them. I agree with you about the Gaghan family. They were great and really supported each other, so different from the constant screaming of the Paolo family. I'm not sure if I really care that much who wins at this point, but I guess I'm pulling for the Linz family.
utenzi said…
I agree with everything you say, Otto. I hadn't intended on watching this season because I thought the concept of the "family" version was lame. It actually turned out better than I thought it would, but I like the regular show more.
Anonymous said…
I heard a rumor about who wins, that they maybe spilled it to some people in their hometown, and all of a sudden all their neighbors started placing bets. But, it's just a rumor, so I won't spoil it for ya.
I am a bit dissapointed in this one. It's usually a fav to watch with my husband, but we are not as into it this season. Rupert from Survivor was supposed to be on with his family, but I guess that plan fell through. It would have made things interesting. But I think they need to go back to all of the exciting locales and leave the kids at home.
I am also dissapointed that they won't even consider Canadians. I would do that show in a heartbeat.
utenzi said…
I never thought about that, Tara. All the contestants are from the US, aren't they?

It would be an awesome thing to do but since I can't swim well and don't like heights... I'm not sure I'd be a good team member. *sigh* So many frailties!
Anonymous said…
I too love this show! But this hasn't been my favorite season I have to admit. I was so glad when they finally got out of the US and saw some of Central America. But why put them back into the US?? They could have them continue to other locations. Who cares if there's family or kids?? Nothing too amazing about this race so far! I'm rooting for the Linz family too now as the Gaghan's are gone. :( Let's hope the future episodes are more exciting! :)
utenzi said…
Who was that masked stranger? S/he is obviously perceptive since there's complete agreement with me!
Anonymous said…
Hi handsome. :o)
I despise reality TV but if I happen to flick across it then the amazing race would be the show I'd want to see. At least it's not as trite as all the others.

This is my Michele sent me comment, cos i'd already visited above.
Anonymous said…
New season not started here yet. Looking forward to it though :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi. Michele sent me today.

Have to say I'm rooting for the Linz family as well and pretty much have been since day 1. Those sibs just make me laugh. They remind me of my own, who refused to try out for the show with me. Oh well.
Anonymous said…
I love this show. And I can't (couldn't) stand the Paolos!!! The oldest needed some Dawn dishsoap on his toothbrush, ack, they drove me nuts. On a more geographical note, this summer a large section of highway here (outside billings, montana) was shut down due to what they news media said was "wildfires." Come to find out, the Amazing Race was actually here, at Pompey's Pillar (20 miles from me) so I am totally captivated now...and anxiously awaiting that episode. Not much exciting happens around here, so this is big news!
Anonymous said…
I love the Amazing Race, but I think this family season is really BORING. Plus, I cannot STAND that awful woman from Florida and her kids (the "Christians" who are the dirtiest players in the game!)

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