
Violence begets violence. Yeah, we've all heard it since we were little kids and were either getting beaten up or were doing the beating. From biblical times to present day--same message no matter who's saying it. Well, here's more proof!

Here I am slapping this cat around. Now I'm not going to mince words here--I was bigger and I was taking full advantage of the fact. But in my defense--this is one BAD CAT. Just look at those nasty eyes! You can tell, this cat needs some serious beatings!

Anyway, to get back to my story of violence and woe... I did beat that cat but there was a surprise at the end of the story.

Here's the rest of the story! Apparently what goes around comes around. Dammit.

I'm expected to make a full recovery. But it'll take time. I hate varmints!


Anonymous said…
Drasted cat :)
Anonymous said…
Yeah, karma is a b*#@! isn't she.
Anonymous said…
Uh... kindness begets kindness too, sir. Patience will tame that beast.

Being the owner of a killer cat -- my wild child, as I like to say -- I can attest to this. Beating him won't change his behavior, so just don't do it. STOP THE VIOLENCE!!!

(And I'm writing this after a minor attack... he's still a sweet cat. Honest!)
utenzi said…
Cats are our friends. They taste good. :-p
Anonymous said…
the cat has a mean left eye!!
Anonymous said…
Hehehe!!! You got beaten up by a cat!!! Cat's are such drag queens.
Anonymous said…
Utenzi!!!. ok, if you don't stop all this nonsense...talking bad about us, beating up a poor innocent brother, well then I'm gonna stop coming to see you! BAD UTENZI, BAD!!!!

BTW, HAHAHHAHA cat punched you! HAHAHAHA
Anonymous said…
Ha! That cat has it in for you!
I used to play like that until I got this nasty scar that several years later is still very visable. She taught me my lesson!
utenzi said…
Oreo, cats are just mean. No exceptions!

Anna, Nice to see you again and I'm sorry about your scar. Fortunately Pippin (aka Bad Penny) never does more than a playful bite. However he really doesn't like to be held and makes all kinds of odd noises when you do hold him.
Anonymous said…
:P!!! I'll have you know I'm only mean when people are mean to me...or when there's a mouse in my house!!
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahaha! You crack me up!
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh! That feline is out for blood! I'm glad you survived this horriffic event. Maybe you can get your cat a job on the next Fox special, "When Pussies Attack." (Did I type that out loud?)
Lois Lane
utenzi said…
OMG, Lois. You are such a potty mouth. God, but that was funny. The guy I share an office with was looking at me weird because I was chuckling for a minute after reading that. Pussies are indeed dangerous critters. Woe indeed to the unfortunate soul that gets their face too near to one. You can lose a nose that way!
utenzi said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
utenzi said…
Oreo, I know better than that. You LOVE it when there's a mouse in the house.

Diane, cracking you up is what I live for!
Anonymous said…
I guess you deleted Lois' comment? I sure hope you are kidding, Utenzi. I couldn't bear it if I thought you had been mean to that sweet little kitty.

Thanks for the comment about the DMV. I was only there for about 45 minutes, so the speed of the experience was not a problem. Everything else, however, was!
utenzi said…
LOL Interesting line of thought, Judy but no, it was my own comment I deleted. I typed too fast and made a few spelling errors. Or Freudian slips--in any case I definitely didn't want that comment to be read!

As for the kitty, all cats deserve abuse. The jury is still out on pussies. Besides, it's not my cat.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hee Hee!!
Anonymous said…
Heh, mean left hook there Dave! Don't go making her into violin strings just yet!
Anonymous said…
The Cat WHo Owns Me thinks she is quite teh huntress, though I doubt she'd know what to do with anything she caught.

Looks like yours has a wicked right uppercut ;-)
utenzi said…
He's pretty full of himself at times but it's more that he's quite certain he's the center of the Universe than he's cocky due to that right uppercut. Not that he's reluctant to use it, mind you.
Anonymous said…
proof positive, that pussy power rules the world.

Bozo n Woody say it's not his fault; somebuddy gave him a pussy name!

(Cat Scratch Fever...)
Anonymous said…
As for the kitty, all cats deserve abuse.


The first lesson you must learn from me is you gotta like us!! Then I will teach you how to get humans to do your will!!
Anonymous said…
I learned the hard way years ago never to try saving one when a dog is after it. Major bloody mess--ME! I've Linked you! Best!
Anonymous said…
Coming from a cat person-Utenzi, you asked for it.
utenzi said…
Carol! Ow, that's adding insult to injury. Not very Christian of you!
Anonymous said…
I love Pussy!!!! oh wait are you talking about cats? LMFAO!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Utenzi, I'm thinking of opening a store to sell stuff with Oreo's picture on it. If I do you gotta buy a shirt & post a picture of yourself in it!!
utenzi said…
I can't ever see myself wearing a shirt with a cat on it, Oreo. Not even your cute little self. Hell, only girls in chess club do that--and it's usually that Garfield dude.

TB54, don't get me in trouble, man!
Anonymous said…
It's all about the payback.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
OK, I'm not much of a cat person, but that's pretty cute. :-)
BTW, michele sent me yet again.

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