
I was cruising through some do-it-yourself type pages and I came across this earrings page.

This is an example of one of the sets of earrings.


Anonymous said…
The 10,000th use for duct tape...thank god for it!
Anonymous said…
The march of the penguins.
Anonymous said…
Duct Tape the essential Item in every engineers tool kit, and for jewelers too it appears
Anonymous said…
Blech!! I like penguins, but I don't like those penguins! Oreo says, OH, I see how you are. I've had a link to you on MY blog forever......
Anonymous said…
I never leave home without earrings, but these are not my kind...
Anonymous said…
Here from Michele's this time.

Those penguing earrings are vaguely disturbing, and should not be worn by anyone over 12 years old.

At least, not in public.
Anonymous said…
Hello Utenzi...I'm here to put the bite on you!! Hello from Michele's.
Anonymous said…
What happened to you Utenzi?
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness...that's just plain...strange. Not as strange as the Tim Burton scarecrow earrings, though.

PS...about my bro and his truck...it is a shame...and it's the second one he's managed to wreck. :(
Anonymous said…
Hi! Here from Michele's! This is just bad fashion. Wrong, wrong, wrong!
Anonymous said…
Hmm. They look like Shrinky-Dinks!

Michele said, yo!
utenzi said…
Oreo, sorry about that. My boss wanted some updates on our grants and I had to scoot--if hobbling on my ankle can be called 'scooting'--over to her office in the hospital. So I was late to visit your page. Sorry, little kitty.
Anonymous said…
I knew duct tape was going to save the world, I just didn't know it was the fashion world that would be saved first. Have a groovy weekend!
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
So cute. Creativity is everywhere.

Michele sent me...
Anonymous said…
Hiya Ute, haven't been by in a while and glad to be reminded by Michele! Keep it keeping at it! Doug.
Anonymous said…
Meow...I will forgive you. THIS TIME!!! How IS your ankle anyway?
Anonymous said…
Penguins are my favorite animal, but I don't even know what to say about those earrings.

I bet my 8 year old would wear them.
Anonymous said…
I gots a temporary wireless cable modem connection. I'm just writing to see how fast it will send it!! :)
Anonymous said…
My daughter loves those earrings!
Anonymous said…
penguin earrings???
Anonymous said…
Cute, if you're 6!
Anonymous said…
They are SO cute!!! I make most of my own earrings and I have a treasured pair of little lego firemen earrings that I made a few years ago. They are very cool. :o) Actually, I might wear them out tonight...
Anonymous said…
Aww, so cute. You and Yaeli are on the same wavelength tonight. We're all talking behind your backs :) ahhaha!

Anonymous said…
They're as cool as can be no?
Anonymous said…
I like penguins!! (but I would not wear them out lol)
Anonymous said…
Penguin earrings! The perfect gift for my lady friends who are the Linux geeks in the IT department!
Anonymous said…
very cute! you wouldn't happen to have frog-earrings, would you? lol!

michele sent me today. :)

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