cats, flowers and baseball

More playing in Photoshop. This picture I took about 3 years ago. I blurred the face a little to protect his identity. He's in the witless protection program. So many cats qualify for that. :-)

New topic since abortion seems to scare off commenting. Too many moms, I think.

The Atlanta Braves took the second game in their playoff series with Houston so now it's tied 1-1 going into Houston for the weekend. I expect they'll split the games and come back to Atlanta for the last game, the tie breaker. Smoltzie will be pitching and I like the way that sounds!

I'm going to buy some flowers in the next few days to plant. I've not decided on what so if you have any suggestions, feel free to toss them out. I'm in zone 7 and I get full sun everywhere. I like the idea of some day lillies and I'll definitely get some bulbs--maybe a mix of daffodils and tulips. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting these mail-order so let me know if you have a favorite company for that sort of thing also. I've only tried one so far--Gurneys--and they stiffed me on an order so I won't get anything from them again.

I'd like to set up an arbor also so I might get some vines. Just in case. I'd go with fragrant things like honeysuckle and wisteria or maybe jasmine. They all smell sooo nice!


Anonymous said…
Other vines are mandevillea and moon flower. How about pansies and lantana?
Anonymous said…
Hey, Michele sent me.
I'm trying to master Photoshop right now too. And I say a blog is for saying what's on your mind, even if no one else comments about it. Take care!
utenzi said…
Judy, I love pansies. I don't know if they're annuals here or not. While they're always sold that way, sometimes they'll come up for a few years. I've heard of lantana but can't remember anything about it and the other two aren't familiar.

Panda, Photoshop is almost impossible to master--it's just so complicated and full of features. But even just scratching the surface can allow you to do so many things!
Anonymous said…
I've been thinking of putting in some tulip bulbs as well. Not sure if the owners have any in. It was always so warm in TX that I never knew when to plant. I'm thinking in OH that I might try it. We shall see. The kids would like tho, I'm certain.
Anonymous said…
Fabulous photograph! I'm a sucker for cute kitties.

Hi! Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
Hey, here from Michele's...can't believe I haven't been here before!

I agree with Atpanda, blogs are here for expression of ideas, and you definetly have a unique spin on things.

Plus, cat pics don't hurt...LOL
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi - just dropping by after your comment to let you know it's Kim who is about to have the baby - I'm already over and done with three (the last two arrived together!).
While I'm here, let me add a big vote for both the spring flowering jasmine and star jasmine. The spring-flowering is the one with the slight pink tinge to the flowers and an intoxicatingly strong perfume - but sadly it only lasts a couple of weeks. the star jasmine has a waxy white flower and a much much longer season. I have both and adore them!
Anonymous said…
PS - does it show that I'm totally paranoid about anyone thinking I'm going to have ANOTHER baby? Even people I'll never meet...Yes, having babies two and three together when you weren't even sure about having two, it leaves more than a caesar scar.
me said…
I love daffodils! You should definately get some of those! (I am Welsh I have to like daffodils - LOL)

Cute little pussy cat, looks a bit like my cat Raffles.

Here from Micheles. :-)
Anonymous said…
I enjoy your blog. Michele sent me this time, have a nice weekend! I am about to get a new digital camera, but confused about all what's available ...stop by if you have some spare time.
Anonymous said…
Tulips! Mmm Jasmine smells so good, as des wisteria, nice choice.
I can't really recommend anything as i live in the tropics, unless you have a greenhouse and fill it with orchids :)
Anonymous said…
Oohhh... Daffodils and tulips and honeysuckle and wisteria and jasmine... All my favourites!!! I'm not too sure what zone 7 means but if you want some more pretty smelling flowers then I'd recommend Fresias and Jonquils. :o)

I might have to pop over to your place and visit you pretty garden one day. :o)
Anonymous said…
Rocket sputtered in Houston. We have a problem.
Anonymous said…
I've got pictures of the jasmine flowers (star) and lantana on my site. I've actually got two lantanas, one a lavender colored one that I bought and a larger red/yellow/white color mix that volunteered. Lantana likes a lot of heat, does pretty well where it doesn't get watered too much, but is a pretty hardy perennial overall.

You might try clematis as well. They like to have thier feet (the roots) well shaded, but their leaves in the full sun. Wonderful flowers though no scent.

Thanks for coming to my site and complimenting the banner, it is pretty, isn't it? And Sheryl did it with pictures I took of flowers I grew!

Anonymous said…
You might consider getting some iris to plant behind your day lilies. Many, many people do that treatment. I don't have the address handy, but Google Cooley's Gardens, in Silverton, Oregon (I have no financial interest in the company; used to write poems for them, tho. Sappy poems).

I dropped in from Michele's place.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to see your pictures next spring-your flowers will be beautiful.

I'm visiting from Michele's today.
Anonymous said…
Utenzi, I think the Braves at home with Smoltz on the mound is a good bet as well. I also think the Astros get thin with there pitching now so the Braves are in good shape.
Anonymous said…
Just for the record, I am like Fat Bastard, I think everyone should eat a bab-ay. But I didn't have time to comment yesterday. ;)
Have a groovy weekend, and please, for the love of Pete, get a little so you can stop talking about pussy so much. Hahahaha!
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
i envy you your green thumb. i couldn't make anything grow even if i take real good care of it. daffodils and tulips are lovely ideas. here via michele today. :)
utenzi said…
Buffi, the change from TX to Ohio definitely changes plant selection. I do love tulips so I'll probably buy at least 20 bulbs. Maybe 30 or 40.

Thanks Cin & Alisha

Bec, 3 seems like enough to take care of. I doubt I could manage even one. Thanks for the suggestion on both types of jasmine. I'll probably end up with just the long lasting one but you never know...
utenzi said…
Ivoryfrog, Welsh, huh? That's very interesting. I have long had a fondness for the typical Welsh "look". :-D Though I like the sound of a Scottish accent--and LOVE an Irish one.

Mar, I'll drop by and see what you have up at your site.

Michelle, you're right. Orchids are too much trouble here. I didn't know you lived in that lush a section of Australia. It sounds lovely--and explains some of your pictures.
Anonymous said…
I have purple clematis on my arbour.
Oh, and we're rooting on the Cardinals! Hubby went to the game yesterday.
Michele sent me.
utenzi said…
Yaeli, I'll check out fresias and jonquils and see if they'll work. And of course you're invited any time you wander over to this hemisphere, continent, etc.

Jack, you're being quite cryptic today

Nancy, you're obviously a lot more skilled at gardening than I am. And it's great that Sheryl used your actual plants in the banner.
utenzi said…
OldHorseTailSnake, I never thought about irises. I like them as long as the shape of the bloom isn't too weird. Sometimes they get too orchid-like for me. I'll definitely look into getting some irises.

TerriLynn, thanks--I'll definitely be posting pictures come Springtime!

KJones, Go Braves!
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me here two more times. Hello. Hello.
Anonymous said…
Personally, I like lillies.

Michele sent me this way.
Anonymous said…
Lilies and Orchids are my personal favorite! But I know NOTHING about gardening and I hear Orchids have to be imported? So maybe not =)

Here from Micheles!
Anonymous said…
hi from Micheles... Have a great weekend...hope you have a better green thumb than I do...
I seem to kill everything I touch...But my hearts in the right place..
Anonymous said…
Hi also from Michele. Gosh, planting flowers. Here in Wisconsin we're hunkering down for the winter.

Have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
I love wisteria! And I am a Texas girl so sorry, but... Go Astros!
Anonymous said…
Really, I'm a Yankee fan, which you probably think is worse.
Anonymous said…
Love the vines you picked. We have some wisteria here and it is absolutely divine! How about some callalillies? They are so easy to care for and so lovely.
utenzi said…
Lish--I'm soooo disappointed!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see the pictures of the end results. I'm sure it'll be lovely. And those wackjobs who stiffed you: a pox on them!

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