sad day

This is a very sad day. Heather "Dooce" Armstrong has sold out. So sad. Jealous? Who me??


Anonymous said…
I checked the prices on her ads just the other day because I was curious. And man, you know what, as long as they aren't absolutely obnoxious blinking on her site I don't care. More power to her for making money at what she loves doing and doing it well.

I'm a dooce fan. Can you tell?
utenzi said…
I agree, that's why I talk about being jealous.
Anonymous said…
smile and think of good times...
Anonymous said…
whos heather dooce???
utenzi said…
Isheeta, She's an ex-Mormom mom living in Salt Lake city that was fired from her LA job a few years back for writing too much about her job and co-workers on her blog site. She got some fame over that and is a very funny writer as well.
Anonymous said…
Being an ex-Mormon who just moved from UT I read Dooce every day. She is funny. Because of her, I rarely discuss work or co-workers in my blog. But let me tell you, the last job I had gave me plenty to write about had I been a blogger back then!

Maybe I should start a string of posts related to the stuff that went on at that place!
utenzi said…
Please do, Keb. I'm sure it'd be interesting reading.
Anonymous said…
i'm glad she is making money at it. why on earth shouldn't she, i say.
Anonymous said…
Don't see the big facination with Dooce.. not a reader.. been there a few times but no rss feed on my part! :) Here via micheles.. by the way.. AGE OF EMPIRES RULES!!!!!


Anonymous said…
Michelle sent me.

Great Blog and Keb, I would read that!
Anonymous said…
I love my visits here. I came via Michele's tonight...I was a bit disturbed by the Dooce sell out as well. And yes...I'm totally jealous - but mainly I'm just jealous of how well she writes. I wish I had an ounce of that!

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