President Davis

Down here in the South saying President Davis usually has a different meaning, but this time I'm referring to the new show on NBC. Geena Davis plays Mackenzie Allen, the vice president to a GOP president in Commander in Chief. In the first episode VP Allen becomes President of the United States despite political opposition from within the administration starting with the former President and going right down the line.

I just finished watching this a few minutes ago having time-shifted it until after midnight. I think Geena Davis comes off as quite presidential--far more so than a certain other person I can think of. That said, the show never-the-less bothered me. My take on the show is that the creative minds behind the show lean more to the left and are using the show, as has been done effectively on West Wing, to push forward liberal ideas. I have no problem with that since I identify more with the left than the right. However the central piece in this first episode was Davis' determination not to let a woman in the Middle East, convicted of adultery, be executed. It was Davis' cause while VP and also her immediate focus as PODUS.

Here's what bothers me: this is exactly what Bush has done in Iraq. It's this feeling that we have the right to interfere with the laws and traditions of other sovereign nations that annoys me. Regardless of how benign the intent is, when you go in and use military to enforce your whim it becomes "might makes right". Given that we execute numerous criminals each year in this country, how do we turn around and say to other countries that they can't do the same?

Just asking!


Anonymous said…
Good question.

PS. Glad your posting commentary on new shows. I haven't had a chance to watching anything. Actually I haven't seen a complete TV show in over a year. I feel so out of touch. :-(
Anonymous said…
Well, we don't execute people for having an affair (though it might come to that soon if the RR keeps making gains), but I know what you are getting at.

Personally, if you are going to execute people for having an affair, it seems like you should execute both of the parties involved, the woman AND the man, she could not have had an affair on her own without another man. So if there were an equal application of the law banning adultry that is one thing.

But Presidents in real life do try to enforce our values in other parts of the world, so I guess the show is just picking up on a fact of present day life. I agree we'd probably be wiser to mind our own business more often and start fixing our own problems.

Like too many shows and movies with Liberal presidents, people don't have to vote for one, cause they can just watch it on TV and pretend that it is real.
Anonymous said…
hmmm never seen that show, but I will lokk for it next time...
Anonymous said…
Hey U! This is way off topic, but Senior Advisor and I were wondering... Are you originally from NC?
utenzi said…
Just to put both of your minds at rest, Diane, I'm not native born. I grew up in upstate NY in a remote region that was a lot more rural than Mebane, where I live now. Between then and now I lived in Georgia for 15 years. 3 in Athens while getting a MA in philosophy and then 12 in the Atlanta area, mostly in Marietta. BTW, Atlanta has way too much traffic! And that's why I'm a Braves fan. Lots of years of watching them win and a few years of seeing them at the very bottom. BTW, there's a great book by Bob Hope (PR guy, not the comedian) about the early years of the Braves in Atlanta. We Could've Finished Last Without You
Anonymous said…
Hi there, Michele sent me.

I was just talking about that show this afternoon with a friend. She said she liked it. I myself did not catch it but would like to. You raise a very good question and will keep it in mind if ever I find myself watching.

I enjoyed your post.
Anonymous said…
Hi! Michele sent me today. I haven't watched this show, but used to be a HUGE West Wing fan, until I got too busy and had to cut back.
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me...and Hello!

You raise a very valid point here. Just's a work of FICTION, no matter how close it is to the truth.

That said, I agree with you about Bush and believe that's one of the reasons that so many people hate America right now. We like to throw our weight around and pretend we know what's best for other countries and they resent it. It's not in our best interest to alienate so many people!
Anonymous said…
How terrible! A cat in rigor?!?! Mom's heart is indeed busted! Hey, are you following me?
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi,

You raise a tough one tonight. I havn't seen the show and don't know about the specific issue they portray. My own experience is of very stringent but accepted justice regimes in some middle eastern countries.

As an example, in areas with religious police, it can be an offence to forget to pray if in a public place at key times, and there are reminders to shoppers in malls to stop shopping at prayer time. The religious policeman walks in his robes with a special stick, and a conventional policeman may often accompany him a few steps behind.

For certain crimes there is a process where admission of guilt is the only way to then be judged for the severity of sentence.

I use these to illustrate difference in the outlook from some parts of the world and the difficulty to judge the situation through our Western eyes.

I don't post this to judge, but to note that things can be very different in areas which 50 years ago operated much in the way of Europe in the middle ages.

Anonymous said…
Just a quick question! Isn't PODUS, POTUS?

I'm Canadian, so maybe I just didn't get the acronym? :)
Anonymous said…
Dont watch any of these shows but I do enjoy a good movie now and then.
Michele sent me.
utenzi said…
*blush* Oops. POTUS it is.
utenzi said…
Rashbre, you obviously bring a lot of valuable experience to the issue. And I find it quite intimidating to see just how much thngs can change in a mere 50 years.
Anonymous said…
I'll checkout these new shows once you are done giving the goods and bads and the networks decide who is staying. :)
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
I have not seen the show, but hope to catch the next episode. Yes, we do interfere in countries, but I do feel this is human rights issue.

visiting from michele's
Anonymous said…
Without getting into the rights and least the show is getting people thinking and talking about these issues. Many times when I say something bad about Bush, I feel I'm simply being dismissed as a liberal. But there are sometimes more than just right and wrong, black and white. I didn't catch the show, maybe next week! Thanks for coming by!
Anonymous said…
Visiting from Michele's.
I can't deal with idealized presidents, as it makes me crazy about the dork wad we have.
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi, Michele sent me. Love the pictures of the bugs. I also enojoyed the Belgariad series, have read it about seven times now. Most of the TV shows you have commented on are not even available in Australia we are so far behind with TV viewing. I have enjoyed visiting your blog.

Anonymous said…
It was Oreo's Mom!
Anonymous said…
Hey there Utenzi, "MIA" Michele sent me..... I am not a huge GD fan to begin with since Accidental Tourist, and my Tuesday nites are usually consumed by HOUSE on Fox so I can't say based on the idea of TV, but we are really suffering in this Country right now based on a sincere decisive lack of Leadership... I go out of my way to help those in need and will do so.Always. America is looked upon by the World to relatively, do the same...... but at what cost ultimately do we finally say "No." ? I foresee a time when this will happen, yep; and when it does we will undoubtedly become more disliked than we are now - irregardless of whom is in the Hot Seat in Washington DC.......

PS: I voted the Female Ticket every time it ever presented itself; Pres or VP standing - I think we need a new view in the White House, and not someone who works there just to clean it.

But, then again - I voted for the Little Man from Texas too once upon a time..... man; was that a hard life for me that year with Perot signs in my yard........
Anonymous said…
U - I've been watching the Braves since the Chief Knock-A-Homa days. Do you remember Princess Win-a-lotta?? You're taking me back.

This last week of regular season with Boston and the Yankees is killing me!! But, that's why I love baseball.

Sorry - Back to the capital punishment thing... ;-)
Anonymous said…
I don't think we should be able to do that. I also don't think we should going around trying to "free" everyone. What if they don't want to be "free"? And why is it our responsibility? I was wondering if this show was a ploy to see how Ammerica might react to Hilary in '08. What do you think? I didn't watch it myself. The ads previews were played so often, that I was annoyed.
utenzi said…
Lish, I suspect we won't agree on this one! I think H Clinton is very intelligent, passionate and has a moral compass. I think she'd make a fine President. However I don't think that she's electable so I can't see the Dem Party ever giving her the nod.

It goes against type but the GOP seems to have some of the more likely female candidates for the Oval Office. Only time can tell...
utenzi said…
Diane, I don't go quite as far back as Princess Win-a-lotta, or at least I don't remember her. I do remember the Chief though. I started seeing a few games live back when I was at UGA and would shoot over to Atlanta. The place, Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium, was so dead that they'd not even bother to man the turnstiles after the 3rd inning. Pretty sad. The games often had only a couple of thousand in the stands. It was like being in Montreal!
Anonymous said…
Utenzi, we do agree. I also think Hilary would be a great candidate, but I don't think it will happen. I'm hoping that maybe she'll be someone's VP.
Anonymous said…
Only you couldn't get sweet tea in Montreal, but possible better beer.

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