New toys

I usually subscribe to at least 6 magazines at any given time. I get them from Internet offers so they're very cheap and since you often can't renew at that price, the list of magazines is always changing. Right now one of them is Popular Science and I really like their The Goods section. It's about NEW TOYS!

Here's 4 toys that I liked though I don't think any are quite interesting enough for me to buy, but I am tempted! The next toy I'll probably buy is a new digital camera. The one I have now is 3 years old and it's been dumped into lakes 3 times while kayaking. It's living on borrowed time!

This first toy is a toaster that also does eggs so you can make a one-stop egg sandwich. Here's the spiel from their site:

A multi-function appliance, the Egg & Muffin Toaster can simultaneously: 1) toast two slices of bread, English muffin, bagel, croissant, etc., 2) cook an egg (poached or steam-scrambled), and 3) warm a pre-cooked slice of ham or sausage…or any combination of these three functions. The toaster’s intelligent “Egg/Toast” function directs steam cooking and toasting to complete at the same time. The Egg & Muffin Toaster also features wide toasting slots, an auto shut-off for individual toasting and poaching options, an easy-to-clean control touchpad, light to dark toaster settings, and the ability to boil up to four eggs. It also includes cord storage and a removable crumb tray for easy cleanup.

It's made by a company called Back to Basics and the site has a number of interesting products. I hate paying full price for anything so I doubt I'll buy any of it, but I do like looking!

Second is a solar panel for charging cell phones. According to the company, MySoldius, it only takes 2 to 3 hours to recharge the battery completely and you can be doing that while hiking, cycling, or whatever. I like the idea but the $90 is a bit steep for me. If I ever need my phone outside when I'm away from other sources of power though--this would be great. So if I ever really do the Appalachian Trail... LOL

The next toy is something you can make your own soda with. I LOVE that idea though it's something like $100 and I can buy a Hell of a lot of soda for that amount of money. But I still like the idea as a toy. They even have a recipe page! Here's their spiel, it sounds like something from late-night tv!

Make Your Own Soda or Seltzer at Home in Seconds!

Do you love seltzer or soft drinks? Tired of waiting for sales, lugging home heavy bottles, storing them, and having them go flat? Do you ever have to run to the store at the last minute because you've run out of seltzer or soda?

With the Soda-Club® Home Soda Maker, you'll make your own great tasting seltzer or soda in a variety of flavors at sale prices, anytime at your fingertips. It's fun, easy and ready in seconds.

This last toy is really neat! It's a docking station for cell phones that allows you to either go cellular or via a landline. But much as I like the idea, I only have a cell phone so the docking station would be of no use to me. I got rid of my landline last year when I had RoadRunner installed. They charge too much but I must admit I do love the speed. I had dial-up for decades and it was sooooooooo slow. I'm too cheap to have a cell phone, landline, and ISP. One had to go and it was the landline. Bye-bye BellSouth. I won't miss you at all, a**holes! By the way, if I was too subtle with that comment, I was VERY unhappy with my landline phone provider.


Anonymous said…
Sandwich makers are listed as the top objects people buy and never use.

Michele sent me here.
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't ever use the egg toaster thing- I don't like eggs! I hardly use my toaster as it is. The solar panel for the phone sounds neat, but I can't imagine that I would ever be someone out doors for an extended period of time away from power sources where I would WANT my cell phone with me, let alone to charge it!

Michele sent me.
utenzi said…
JLP, I'm not surprised. I use my toaster oven fairly often but only rarely use my Panini Press. The sandwiches it makes are great but it's up on top of my fridge and it just seems too much trouble to take it down. :-(

-E! I love egg yolks but can't stand the white albumin part so I don't eat many eggs. I do like egg sandwiches but usually eat eggs at omelettes. And you'd not be able to do that with the toy on here. Mmm. Ham and cheese omelettes, my favorites! I think I didn't spell that right.
Anonymous said…
How could you miss the "Robot Reaches Maturity." He can pick up objects and throw them. I am sure I can find a use for that!
Michele sent me...
Anonymous said…
wow these are some cool toys! and just what i need something to take up more space in my cluttered kitchen...hehe

here via michele's
Anonymous said…
These are one-of-a-kind gadgets that simply promise to do a lot in their humble little selves. :) Gotta love that sandwich maker! I used to adore the ones that produce UFO-shaped filled sandwiches. But then, this was way back in the early 80's. haha

Michele sent me!

Wishing you a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
Yeah... my grandmother had a sandwich maker when I was growing up, and I think the only time she ever used it was when the grandkids came over and wanted to play with it!

However, the toaster thing does sound pretty cool, just as you can still use it as a normal toaster, right? You could just replace your normal toaster?
Anonymous said…
Hi utenzi, I'm mompoet, joining Carol's conga line a day late. I like your sense of humour, your great use of links and your photos. My favourite toy is my new digital camera (finally). I resisted getting one for a long time because I love my old Canon AE1 so much. I thought I would never, ever use a digital. But now I'm hooked. Something about the instant gratification. The AE1 finally began to self-destruct after 25 years of hard use so it's in the shop for an overhaul. When I get it back next week I think I'll pack them both around and use them for simultaneous and sequential photography. Boy, I'll look like a geek too!

I'll bookmark your blog and check in again soon.

utenzi said…
I was an early convert to Digicams but previously I had a Pentax MX that was lightly used for a few decades until I gave it to a girlfriend when I bought my first digital camera. I hated the expense of buying film and then developing ALL the pictures. Now I just get prints of the ones I like--and since I only use them for walls, I never get anything under 8x10.
Anonymous said…
The sandwich/egg/hashbrown maker sounds unique but to make one's own soda would be novel. Glad to know that a camera can survive a dunk or three in water.

Michele sent me back.
Anonymous said…
Hey! I have 8 subscriptions, and I can't seem to go to the grocery store without buying more magazines. I have to have a landline b/c my cell doesn't work well in my home. My Time Warner bill is outrageous. I have cable phone, Road Runner, a DVR, and digital cable with HBO and Showtime.
Anonymous said…
Here via Michele's

A toaster that does eggs!?!?
Anonymous said…
I love that toaster, but I'd be lost without a toaster oven. I'll never go back to the old kind again.

I ave a Vonage phone that goes over my Roadrunner, and I love it. I pay 14.99/month and it's free long distance. My cell is only free long distance in the state.

Michele sent me, love the toys!
Anonymous said…
*waving at utenzi* Michele sent me over to check out your toys..they're cool, but I like the other kind better ;)
Anonymous said…
You need a new camera, that's important!

The egg-toaster thing just sounds messy and what's so hard about taking out a small pan to cook the egg? or better yet, put it in the microwave?

But that solar-charger sounds neat! Just think of, like, emergencies or something. I wonder if I could rig it up on the motorcycle without it blowing off?
Anonymous said…
I think the docking station would be so cool. I'd use it.

Hi, Michele sent me, kinda, in a way. :-)
Anonymous said…
Those toys sound so cool!!! I want a mufin toaster/ egg thingy!
Anonymous said…
The muffin/egg toaster sounds great! I'm always juggling the hob and grill trying to get the toast and eggs just right!

If you like that mobile charger you might like this story, it's an mobile charging invention a boy fairly local to me came up with, pretty clever.
Anonymous said…
Forgot to say came via Michele's today!
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me today :-)

That egg and muffin machine looks interesting. Not too sure about the soda machine, it looks very similar to the SodaStream machines we had here in the UK back in the 70's! Unless I'm missing something obvious.

The phone gadgets I wouldn't use that much, because I don't use my mobile phone a lot. But yes, if I was going to be away from a power source for more than two or three days I'd look at the solar charger.

Catch you again soon!
Anonymous said…
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding cord blood company and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Blogger your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on cord blood company was way off when compared to this post and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for cord blood company for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at cord blood company . You never know you may find some good deals!
Anonymous said…
Hey Blogger. Very nice blog :0) I just got inside from washing and waxing my truck. It is my baby. Took me 2 hours though. So I settled down into my basement and started doing some web surfing. Anyways I am in the process of grabbing my masters degree and have spent the last 6 months researching umbilical cord blood preservation . In the midst of my surfing I landed smack dab in the middle of your blog. I hope you do not think I am intruding but I must say it is great blog. Even though this post is way off base from umbilical cord blood preservation I found myself cruising through your blog archives for the last half hour :0) You have some nice blogging friends. Anyways, I need to get back to my mission. I wrote don’t your url and feel free to visit me here at umbilical cord blood preservation . I am so busy so I can only update my site monthly. Keep up the great work
Anonymous said…
Well this blog certainly is not about alberta bank blood cord . What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching alberta bank blood cord and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from alberta bank blood cord anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching alberta bank blood cord .
Even though my search is not on this post I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!
Anonymous said…
Well I just got back from the gym and I am beat. I am currently doing some research on cord blood banks canada and stumbled across your blog. Which cracks me up really. The internet can certainly land you off base sometimes. Even though this post is not completely related I think it is a cool blog. I have read back through the archives and lots of people make some very good points. Well I have been on-line forever it seems. I need to continue to plug away at cord blood banks canada . If you have the energy swing by cord blood banks canada . I try to update my site weekly and maybe you will see something you like. I already snagged your URL and put it in my favorites. If you do not mind I will be back again. Great job!
Anonymous said…
All I can say is WOW Blogger. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on bank blood cord private . I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though this post really isn’t on the same page as bank blood cord private I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at bank blood cord private . I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
Anonymous said…
What up Blogger! I just finished up a ten hour work day and decided to kick back and do some surfing. So I grabbed myself a drink and stumbled across your blog while doing some research on cord blood storing for a upcoming project I am doing. Well even though this post isn’t what I was looking for I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your doing a great job and please keep up the good work. Lots of people do not keep their blogs up to date :0) There are some very interesting view points stated here. Anyways I am going to grab the bull by the horns and continue to plug away at cord blood storing . I have already bookmarked your blog. You many want to visit me at cord blood storing . You never know you might see something you like! Again great job
Anonymous said…
I love your blog Blogger. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of bank blood cord private and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on bank blood cord private . Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit this post again!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Blogger your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on cord blood storing I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to this post, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about cord blood storing . Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
Anonymous said…
What up Blogger! I just finished up a ten hour work day and decided to kick back and do some surfing. So I grabbed myself a drink and stumbled across your blog while doing some research on saving umbilical cord blood for a upcoming project I am doing. Well even though this post isn’t what I was looking for I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your doing a great job and please keep up the good work. Lots of people do not keep their blogs up to date :0) There are some very interesting view points stated here. Anyways I am going to grab the bull by the horns and continue to plug away at saving umbilical cord blood . I have already bookmarked your blog. You many want to visit me at saving umbilical cord blood . You never know you might see something you like! Again great job
Anonymous said…
Well I just got back from the gym and I am beat. I am currently doing some research on cord blood family trust and stumbled across your blog. Which cracks me up really. The internet can certainly land you off base sometimes. Even though this post is not completely related I think it is a cool blog. I have read back through the archives and lots of people make some very good points. Well I have been on-line forever it seems. I need to continue to plug away at cord blood family trust. If you have the energy swing by cord blood family trust. I try to update my site weekly and maybe you will see something you like. I already snagged your URL and put it in my favorites. If you do not mind I will be back again. Great job!
Anonymous said…
Hello Blogger, been looking for the latest info on skin boil and found this post. Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.
Anonymous said…
Hey Blogger. Very nice blog :0) I just got inside from washing and waxing my truck. It is my baby. Took me 2 hours though. So I settled down into my basement and started doing some web surfing. Anyways I am in the process of grabbing my masters degree and have spent the last 6 months researching saving umbilical cord blood . In the midst of my surfing I landed smack dab in the middle of your blog. I hope you do not think I am intruding but I must say it is great blog. Even though this post is way off base from saving umbilical cord blood I found myself cruising through your blog archives for the last half hour :0) You have some nice blogging friends. Anyways, I need to get back to my mission. I wrote don’t your url and feel free to visit me here at saving umbilical cord blood . I am so busy so I can only update my site monthly. Keep up the great work
Anonymous said…
All I can say is WOW Blogger. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on saving umbilical cord blood . I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though this post really isn’t on the same page as saving umbilical cord blood I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at saving umbilical cord blood . I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
Anonymous said…
What up Blogger! I just finished up a ten hour work day and decided to kick back and do some surfing. So I grabbed myself a drink and stumbled across your blog while doing some research on saving umbilical cord blood for a upcoming project I am doing. Well even though this post isn’t what I was looking for I really enjoyed reading your blog. Your doing a great job and please keep up the good work. Lots of people do not keep their blogs up to date :0) There are some very interesting view points stated here. Anyways I am going to grab the bull by the horns and continue to plug away at saving umbilical cord blood . I have already bookmarked your blog. You many want to visit me at saving umbilical cord blood . You never know you might see something you like! Again great job
Anonymous said…
I love your blog Blogger. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of collection of umbilical cord blood and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on collection of umbilical cord blood. Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit this post again!!
Anonymous said…
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding cord blood spinal supply and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Blogger your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on cord blood spinal supply was way off when compared to this post and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for cord blood spinal supply for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at cord blood spinal supply. You never know you may find some good deals!
Anonymous said…
I love your blog Blogger. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of cord blood spinal supply and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on cord blood spinal supply. Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit this post again!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Blogger your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on cord blood storing I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to this post, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about cord blood storing . Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
Anonymous said…
Sad to say I just got back from a bowling tournament and decided to log in and do some websurfing. Blogger I love your blog. I had some very good laughs. I am doing a paper on cord blood storing and have been downloading information for the last hour. I don’t know how I came across this post but I am glad I did. It has set me back a little because I have spent the last hour reading your archives. If you don’t mind I would like to add you to my favorites so I can back again and read some more. Well I need to get back to cord blood storing . I am almost finished with it. Great job.
p.s some very good points on your blog

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