Half-blood Prince on the Deck

Just reading out on the back deck this afternoon. It's in the low '80s and I have the shade drawn over the deck to keep it from getting too hot.

I've finally gotten around to reading the latest Harry Potter book and have got about 100 pages to go. So far it's been pretty good. Very much in keeping with the rest of the series. It's good to see that the extra time between books isn't hurting Rowling's concentration and focus. Celebrity has screwed up many an author in the past!

Back to the book...


Anonymous said…
I haven't read it yet but am anxious too... it's in the middle of a huge stack!
Anonymous said…
Rowling seems like a pretty down to earth person no matter how rich and famous she gets. When I grow up, I want her royalty check ;)

Here via Michele's today!
utenzi said…
That's how it was for me also, TJ. I ordered it prepublication so I had it a few days after release and it's been sitting on a shelf for nearly 2 months since. Amazingly enough I've managed to avoid hearing who died though I've always had suspicions and the mystery about the title hasn't been solved yet but I think that was obvious years ago when the title was first mentioned--but I could be wrong. Dammit.
Anonymous said…
came here by way of michele. great blog you have here. will definitely drop by from time to time. happy reading! :)
Anonymous said…
Hey Utenzi! Here from Michele's!! {{smiling}}
utenzi said…
Nice to see you Ribbit-icus and Ciera. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Hey Michele Sent Me.

Nice Blog. the Us show information isn't as boring for us brits as you'd think!
Anonymous said…
I don't plan on reading any of the books, but I love the movies hehe. I try to read as little as possible ya know...

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Back again via Michele's. Looks I'm doing the stalking this week! :-)
Anonymous said…
I read it recently and now I cannot wait for the last book.
Anonymous said…
Sitting on my deck, reading is just about my favorite thing in the world to do! Hope you have a nice afternoon.

Here from Michele's
Anonymous said…
In the 6th book, a lot of info about the past is revealed. Now I can't wait for the 4th movie, coming this fall ... haven't checked lately to see if there is a release date available.
Anonymous said…
Ooh, that looks like an idyllic place to be. Thanks for sharing the scenario with us.

Dropped in from Michele's tonight. So glad I did: I'm going to try to enjoy my own deck when the sun rises tomorrow!
Anonymous said…
I love reading outdoors. I have the book, but need the time to read it. My students keep wanting to tell me about it and I have to beg them to keep quiet!

Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
Why ut! I didn't realize until this pic that your feet,as far as they may seem,do not reach the ground, no wonder you need a kayak
to travel with!!

Nobody sent me,but I might take a look at michelle's site to see what's going on there.
Anonymous said…
I loved that book!!! I read it when I went away with some friends and I just couldn't put it down. I like the way it ties bits from the last books together. :o)
This is my "Michele sent me" comment, but you know I'd find my way here on my own anyway. :o)
Anonymous said…
I love all the Harry Potter books. A so called friend ruined the end of this one for me. I'm still not speaking to him.
Anonymous said…
Hope you enjoy the book... I am on pins and needles waiting for the last one! And I'm looking forward to the movie version of #4 this fall.

Here via Michele's meet 'n greet!
Anonymous said…
Back again cos Michele sent me again! :o) Your deck looks like a very nice place to sit on a summers day.
Anonymous said…
michele sent me.

I only read the first book. My son has read them all and likes the fourth one best.
utenzi said…
GPV, you're on to me! Those damn feet just won't touch the ground so I'm much more comfortable on water.

Poor Lish. That was no friend at all!

I know what you mean, Yaeli. This one had a lot more history in it so you understand more the motivation of some of the characters. They started this in the last book when Harry found out more about his father and the shabby way he treated some of the other students.

Yellojkt, the first one was quite good. The way it's written isn't ideal for adults, but of course that's not the target audience. But they're still quite entertaining if you'll forgive the plot lapses, silly names, and peculiar approach towards logic therein.
Anonymous said…
Blogging really gets in the way of my book-reading. I need to get back to it... have about a bazillion in my "to read" pile! (I'm not a big Harry Potter fan, though. Much prefer the Lemony Snicket stuff.)

Here via michele today. You might want to check out my comment to SCA (as Michele) in response to HIS comment to you...
utenzi said…
You said it, Panther. SCA is one weird dude. It's scary to think that he's evaluating people's mental health!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Enjoy! I took my time getting it too, but really enjoyed it when I did. I can't believe that there is only one book left to go.
utenzi said…
That's what I hear, Lora but I don't know. I see plenty of potential for stories from Harry's days after school assuming he does go into that magical police thing. And you just know he's eventually destined to be Headmaster at Hogwarts--though of course that might never see print.

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