Glories of last week

I took these pictures last week when I woke up early and it was still dark out. It's unfortunate that Morning Glories are at their prettiest before I can appreciate them. Often by the time I rush out the door to go to work they're already starting to close up shop and avoid the sun.

I'm feeling under the weather this weekend. I got sick on Friday though I didn't realize it right away. I had these bouts of sweating in my office and didn't realize it was a fever coming on. I'll probably be calling in sick on Monday since I'm still under the weather but will hopefully be back at work on Tuesday since I need to get in at least 2 RT-PCRs and a Western blot this week.

The weekend came just in time since I've been able to sleep A LOT! Which is unusual for me, except at times like this when I have a fever.

I'm posting these pictures mostly because it's easy and I'm feeling lazy. LOL

They are pretty but I got carried away with the second one and screwed around with the brightness and contrast settings a little too much.

Enough whining, I'm going to go take a nap after posting to Michele's once or twice.


Anonymous said…
I like morning glories because their beauty is so transient. Most people wouldn't take the time to notice. Thankfully, you're not most people.

I'm back from Michele's. Love the images. Again.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures! Our morning glories have grown around our rose bushes and I know I need to cut them down. But the roses and glories blooming together are so beautiful!
Anonymous said…
this is the story my mom told me about morning glories:

the workers on the ranch that she lived on considered the morning glories to be weeds, but, of course, she didn't, so she would sneak out of her parents' house before the sun was up to transplant them to a safer place where they would be mown under.

those flowers seem fairytale-esque to me. i'm not sure i've ever seen any in real life, just pictures.

and your pictures are beautiful.

hope you feel better. the weekend is absolutely no time to be sick!
Anonymous said…
You always take beautiful photos, even when they're of bugs. I hope you get to feeling better.
Anonymous said…
The pictures are really nice. I love morning glories. Thanks for stopping by my site and the well wishes. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Have a wonderful week!
Anonymous said…
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Here via michele's

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