deep throat

It's not easy to take pictures of your own throat with a digital camera. If nothing else, the flash just doesn't work well in tight spots like that.

I've mentioned a few times of late that I've had a sore throat this past week. While it's not as annoying now, it's still red and a little sore. Witness the exhibit below:

I didn't say "ahhh" in this one and now I see why doctors insist on that silly word. It really makes a huge difference in what you see. I took these two pictures before work on Friday. I suspect that my throat was a lot better by then but since that was the first time I looked at it, I'm not sure.

It's kinda gross when you look at that fleshy stuff--I don't see how those medical personnel do it all the time. The two people I work with the most at my job are both surgeons so they see this crap all the time. Gives me the willies just to think about it!

This picture is more of the general throat and not just the area that is so red. You can still see it off to the right but the color isn't as easy to discern. My throat does look swollen still--and since I'm still sleeping several extra hours I guess I'm still fighting off some sort of bug. Damn bugs!

You can see in this picture the huge benefits of saying "ahhh". Everything shows up so much better--especially my uvula dangling there looking somewhat obscene.

That's it for anatomy show-and-tell for today, folks. Feel free to show me your parts too! LOL


Anonymous said…
Ow, that looks sore! I hope you are feeling better soon

Michele sent me
Anonymous said…
Ow, that looks sore! I hope you are feeling better soon

Michele sent me
Anonymous said…
thanks for stopping by! I am used to taking a look at my husband's sore throat so I know about this. A bug's picture bugs me a lot more...
Anonymous said…
Ow, that looks sore! I hope you are feeling better soon

Michele sent me
utenzi said…
Thanks, Cindy. It doesn't hurt or anything. It's just made me need a lot more sleep. Probably bacterial instead of the normal viral stuff.
Anonymous said…
Hello Utenzi
Michele sent me. I wonder about your time zone if you're posting when I am, or are you just staying up late with that vile illness (I'm resisting all possible deep throat puns, hope it's appreciated!)
Love the grasshopper pic, and, on a serious not, I lost my mum and my kids lost their nana, who was only 58, two years ago to breast cancer so keep up the good work at your end. We all count on researchers like you!
Anonymous said…
Nice tonsils. LOL I'd have to say, this is a first...

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Yes, it does look rather sore. My throat hurts just looking at your pics. Here via Michele today!
utenzi said…
Moms get so used to looking at diseased body parts. Just one of the many jobs of Motherhood, I guess. I've never had to look in anyone's throat other than mine.
Anonymous said…
Anatomy show and tell? LOL! Michele sent me, and how interesting. I hope you are feeling better!
Anonymous said…
As my mom used to say: Take a Sucrets & talk to me in the morning. This was after rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub on & wrapping my next with a towel & then shoving me in a room with a vaporizer. Did I mention the Cayenne Pepper tea & codliver oil she poured down my unwilling throat. Gotta love those old tyme remedies.

And really Utenzi, feel free not to share such graphic pictures...especially before breakfast.
Anonymous said…
What lovely photos! I have had a very sore throat myself the past couple of days, and I think I may have a fever. I took a nap with my nephew this afternoon, and I never take naps. I wonder, can that be passed via the internet?
Anonymous said…
I wish you nothing but good health and happiness. For all you do for the rest of us, you deserve to be rid of this.

I'm back from Michele's. As always, the journey has been a joy.
Anonymous said…
Oh my! Hope you feel better!
[returning reader from Michelle's!]

Anonymous said…
eheh... That looks like it's sore! I don't think I've ever seen anyone post photos of their throat before :)
Anonymous said…
interesting. here via michele's.
Anonymous said…
A part of you I never expected to see! I'm not sure that I couldn't have survived another decade or so before experiencing that, but it does add to the intrigue. Hmmmmm
Anonymous said…
It looks sore, but amazingly well taken photo. That's hard to see not to metnion shoot.
utenzi said…
Pearl, you're correct. I just took a lot of pictures and these two were about the only ones that worked. You just can't get a flash that is mounted a few inches from the lens to illuminate the throat when you're that close to the mouth. Dammit.

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